
I'm New Here
The Problem
  • Inflight, the manifold pressure went to about 18 in.
  • Engine performance stayed the same. It runs fine and feels totally normal
  • Drained MP line from engine to sensor. Just a few drops of oil.
  • Checked power and ground at sensor. Both OK. Sensor shows 18 in. on ground.
  • New sensor plugged in on ground showed 18 in. So no change. Not the sensor.
  • Check connections at analog box all good there.
  • Have poked around the forums, AFS manuals and website. Not much.

My Questions
  • Does the AFS AF-2500 have an internal battery like the AF3000?
  • What else should I look at?
Robin, I have an AF-2500 as well and I've seen the same thing happen in the past. Mine has been intermittent, though. I know you've already tried this, but for me, after I checked/tighten the connections at the analog box (usually removing the wires, resetting, and cranking down on the screws), it has always gone away. Keep us informed if you continue to have a problem!
Also, I just noticed that is your first post. Welcome to VAF! Lots of folks here to help with your new airplane.
