
Active Member
I don't post much, but this is an exciting enough milestone that I felt compelled to share. I've waited a long time to get my avionics, and that was exciting enough. But just this weekend I powered up the AFS-5600 for the first time, which was a much anticipated milestone. It came up without a hitch.

I still have a lot of work to do before I fly, but this is another amazing bit of motivation. SteinAir did the wiring harness, and Rob tendered technical support. I took delivery of the unit back in November, and needed to update the software and charts. That was a successful operation, and I'm now running the latest and greatest code. (I'm sure it won't be the last update made before I fly, though.) Here is a picture of my work in progress. Note that the display isn't as crisp as it could be .. which isn't the fault of the EFIS, but is because I'm leaving the protective plastic on the front until closer to flying-time. :)
