
Well Known Member
I can give Rob and the crew a call tomorrow, but thought I'd ask here first if easy. I was up last night, finally calibrating the AoA with a buddy and we noticed that the % of power was different from PFD to MFD (as much as 8-10% off). OAT was the same on both, all the engine gauges (tach, manifold, temps, fuel flow, alt, etc.) were the same but %'s were just way different.

Not sure if it really matters, but I am sure there is some setting somewhere and I couldn't find it.

Also (and again I am sure the correct answer is RTFM), but we used the MFD to set AoA, but it didn't copy over to the PFD, even after a reboot. I just went ahead and programmed the settings from the MFD into PFD, but would have thought they'd cross talk and it wouldn't matter which one the programming was done on. Again, guessing operator error.

Any thought appreciated-

In case anyone runs into this issue I figured it out. I needed to configure the engine HP on the MFD to the correct setting. My PFD was set correctly at 210 whereas the MFD was set to 180HP.

Still wondering if they should sync automatically, and I'll call the AFS team on that.