Dayton Murdock

Well Known Member
Hi All
I just thought I would give you a shot of my progress with the install of my AFS 4500. All of the engine and fuel tank sensors are finished; I remove the left tank to run the wires for the OAT. What’s left to do is mount the Ahars, connect the radios to the efis, and then button everything up after all the calibration is done:)

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AFS 4500 and SL40 to GPS 396

I have a question
I need to connect the EFIS and the SL40 to my GPS 396 .The blue wire RxD data output from the 396, Should I just splice the to together? or can I only have one connected? efis or sl40:eek:
You can splice it. One transmitter can drive a couple receive devices just fine and some even more. Technically however RS232 is a point to point spec. but it will work most times within reason. Don't forget to set your 396 to NMEA and VHF out to get it to send frequencies to the SL40.
Powered up today

Well I added power to the EFIS today and all the smoke stayed in the wires.
I can't quite figure out how to set the parameters yet. I need to configure com 1 to receive the GPS signal :confused:
Fuel System Trouble

Hi Everyone
I have all the sensors in my efis install functioning correctly except for the capacitance fuel level system. The previous system was manufacture by Electronic International and it performed flawlessly for 5 years. I thought a new system of the same nature would be a plug and play. That has not my experience.
I need some help to correct this.
Thanks in advance

I can't help with that but I know you'll figure it out

Have a great Holiday You and Ian
Hi Everyone
I have all the sensors in my efis install functioning correctly except for the capacitance fuel level system. The previous system was manufacture by Electronic International and it performed flawlessly for 5 years. I thought a new system of the same nature would be a plug and play. That has not my experience.
I need some help to correct this.
Thanks in advance

What brand of converters are you using? The only problem I had was setting the initial zero. With dry tanks, it would not register. I adjusted the tanks with only unusable fuel in them and set the zero (this is done with the converters) and all was well.
He has Princeton Capacitance adaptors connected to Van?s standard Capacitance plates.

The adaptors seem to work when measuring the capacitance of your hand and do not work on both tanks. Something has to be different with your tanks, the EI Capacitance adaptors use the BNC ground and the Princeton use the airframe ground.

What is the resistance between the tank BNC shell and your Princeton adaptors ground connection?

What is the resistance between the tank BNC center conductor and the shell?

Did Todd at Princeton give you any more suggestions on what could be the problem?

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
First Flight !!!

Hi All
This is the image of my first flight

What information can you gleen form this screen shot
I was WOT climbing @250 fpm
That was one heck of an updraft...

250+ FPM Climb and 12 degrees nose down at 160 kts indicated?

Does the AFS have a way to cailbrate straight and level flight to compensate for your panel not being perp to straight and level?
Sid's correct


I think Sid is correct two posts above. I had to add in the tilt on my panel, as it has about 9-10 degrees of tilt built into it. Put another way, you should be showing 8-10 degrees nose high when sitting on the ground (in a three-point stance).

I set the plane level on the ground then used a digital level to see what my actual panel tilt was and then you can adjust that in the AFS settings page.

Hope that helps . . .

Loving my AFS-3500
Dayton, What was the weight savings now that you are in the air again? What old equipment was removed and what new equipment was added? It would be cool to see a picture of the panel before and after, each with the empty weight listed.
Hi All
Thanks for the information given by everyone:).
I wanted to give you a update, I have sent my prop out for a re-pitch, I have enjoyed all of the additional functionality of the EFIS, There is still much to learn about EFIS aviating
I will post I fly the prop

Looks like your Volts and fuel pressure ranges are messed up. If you need some help give me a call on my cell from the plane.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
N402RH RV-10
This is my latest flight, I had the prop repitched( almost in the 200kts club)
After this I adjusted the fuel pressure yellow band

EFIS true airspeed

Hey Dayton,

I enjoyed talking to you today. I ran your screen shot numbers thru a couple of TAS calculators I found on line and I came up with 187KTAS.

My Dynon 10A seems to calculate TAS on the high side ( about 5 knots )

In anycase, I think you are getting pretty good speed at 9200 feet.

Chris M