
Active Member
Hi All,
I have dual AFS 4500 screens in my RV-10, with dual AHRS.
Every so often I get an AHRS failure message which says to fly straight and level until it re equlibirates. I would not be too worried if this happened on rare occasion, but it seems to happen more frequently, maybe every 20 flights. This is very disconcerting when in IMC. Anyone out there have any words of wisdom?
I did not build the plane, so my knowledge of avionics is limited. Just for reference, it is communicating with the GTN 650 by ARINC. The Panel was from Steinair about 4 years ago

Tec Chipps
Which AHRS to you have? AFS has released multiple AHRS over the life of the 4500s. I would give AFS a call.

I had one of the first generation units fail on my RV-10. The newer generations are better and faster. The downside is buying another unit, since I'm assuming that anyone with a 4500 is out of warranty already.