
Well Known Member

I'm planing my panel with two 3400 from AFS. Now the question pops up, which units should I buy and what helps a bit for redundancy?

The left 3400 will be used as PFD, the right 3400 as EMS.

There two option what I can buy:

Option 1:
EFIS System, 1x AF-3400EF EFIS 6.5" Display $4,024
Engine Monitor, AF-3400EM Engine Monitor 6.5" Display $2,541
Total $6,565

Option 2:
EFIS + Engine Montor single screen system, AF-3400EE Single 6.5" Display $4,870
MFD ? second slave screen only, AF-3400MFD MFD 6.5" Display $1,795
Total $6,665

Which makes more sense or work better/cleaner thogether (ok it is only 100$ diference, thats not the point)?

If I go for option 2 (if that works like I thought), where should I place the MDF slave and where the 3400 with the brain?

Thanks alot and kind regards,

Hi Dominik,

I've opted for a pair of AF-4500's (the panel mount version). Originally I bought an AF-3500EE as I was not sure whether I'd go with two screens. Later I decided to add the AF-3500MFD as a second screen. Then, just recently I've had both upgraded to AF-4500's.

Either of your two options will work fine. One unplanned consequence of the approach I have taken is that all the EFIS/EMS wires will go to the left P1 side of the panel. I'll have my engine sensor wires come through my left firewall passthru which keeps them separate from my power and ignition wires that will come through the right firewall passthru.

I'm not flying yet so have no operational experience to pass on. I have also opted for a 695 (like you mentioned in the other thread) as I feel it is a better setup for flight planning for European users. Old photo below showing the AF-3500's.


Hello Steve

Thanks for you coments and foto of your great panel! looks nice and I see things that I'm discussing and try to find a solution too.

Do you make your panel higher as the standart one? An inch more on the bottom? I'm tall and have long legs and big foot's so I can not make mine higher, but it would help quite much!
Separating the cable, thats a good imput.

You where using the 2 1/4 Com and transponder, yes they save space and weight. Are your com's 8.33 or 25khz? In switzerland they plan to register new planes from 2012 on, only with 8.33 com! There are not many units available.

I will study your approach and hope that someone else have an imput too.

Regards, Dominik
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Hi Dominik,

Yes, I've made my panel about 1.5" taller than standard. My Comms are Funkwerks AT500 (25KHz) but they do also have an 8.33KHz version (ATR833). My transponder is made by Funkwerks too (TRT800A).

Details of the comms here:

As is commonly done, I had to cut off and move the aft section of the sub-panel ribs (I'm building a tipup). I bought an extra pair of ribs and doubled up the subpanel-to-panel ribs. I have a support on each side of each AF4500.

If you followed roughly the same layout as I did but used AF3400's you could do so with possibly just a 0.35" inch taller than standard panel - the height of the 3400 is 1.166" less than the 3500.

I need the backup ASI and Altimeter due to UK regulations. If you don't need those ( or do but are happy with 2.25" ASI/ALT) then that would give you a bit more room to play with. Likewise, going for fuses rather than CB's on the panel would give you yet more space, albeit all the way over on the righthand-side.

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