Jeff Vaughan

Well Known Member
Is there a way to save your calibration settings to a default setting?

I recently ran my battery down and lost my calibration settings for my fuel tanks. I had not written them down in the manual. I had written them down in a note book four years ago but I can not find the note book.

This Saturday I will redo my settings .
Not to a default setting that Im aware. You can save your calibration settings. I dont remember how I did it but I have structured txt files on my computer labeled calibration settings from the 2500.
From the manual....
Data Screen
From the time screen pressing [DATA] will take you to the AF-2500 data
download options. From this menu you can select [DOWNLOAD] to
view the data download options. The first option is Download Flight
Data. Pressing [START] will intiate the sending of all stored data flight
data in the AF-2500. Refer to the Firmware Upgrades and PC Software
section of this manual for instructions for saving this data on your PC.
The other options in this menu are Send Flight and Calibration Data,
Send Calibration Data and Clear Flight Data. Note that selecting Clear
Flight Data will erase all stored flight data currently stored in the AF-
2500. The Calibration Data downloads are included for support reasons
and although interesting may not prove usefull to the average user.