
Well Known Member
I've been looking carefully at the photos of the AffordablePanels modular panels on their website. I really like the XL panel - the taller panel means you don't need to put a seperate "subpanel" for the switches and stuff. Question though... looknig carefully at the photos, it looks like the AffordablePanels modular panels don't have the flange or bend along the bottom as Vans panel has (to prevent the panel from bowing, I presume). Why is this? Is the intent for the builder to add a piece of angle or something to serve this purpose, or is that flange not really needed at all?

One advantage to the recessed sub-panel is it protects the switches from pant cuffs when you and your un-informed passenger climb in. Even with the sub-panel, you still need to be very careful you don't snag them.