
Active Member
As a VFR pilot, I have only recently started investigating the Flight Director on the AF5400T in my RV-9A.

I have a GNS430W and a TruTrak Digiflight II autopilot. The autopilot follows a flight plan from the GNS430W and the CDI is Magenta, but the Flight Director wings are Cyan in color and only move with the heading bug.

Can anyone guide me on where to start to determine if I have a setting or wiring issue please?

I have studied the AF manual and the only control specific to the Flight Director that I can find is On/Off.
The FD displays, pictorally, the commands being sent to the autopilot. So in most displays (I don’t have an AFS) you need to set all the autopilot commands for what you want (except no servos engaged). If you want to fly a heading of 270, level at 5000’, put that info (heading mode) into the autopilot, and the FD will take you there. If you want to track a gps course, set the autopilot to do that, the FD will take you there. Do a standard autopilot set up, just don’t engage the servos.
Edit. When I say ‘set the autopilot to do that’ I mean using the AFS controls - not the controls on an external stand alone autopilot, if you have one.
Thanks Bob. The autopilot and CDI are behaving as expected, following the flight plan from the GPS. It’s only Flight Director that is not behaving as expected.
The colour indicates you have it set to follow track.
If you ask it to follow heading or GPS. The flight director will change colour accordingly.

The ends of the flight director indicate what height mode is selected.

Hope this points you to the right part of the manual. It is in there somewhere.

Thanks all.

Because the AF5400T is the smallest of the Advanced EFISs and has the fewest butttons and knobs, some functions can only be accessed through the touchscreen. This includes setting the source for the Flight Director.

Once I realized this and touched the right part of the screen, I was able to bring up a menu that allowed me to successfully cycle through all sources for the Flight Director.