I have chased a cooling, CHT high temp and oil temp issue even to the point I put my ole RV8 on the prayer list this morning.!!

So after all of the baffeling sealing, cowling exit area modification, oil temp probe calibration, etc etc...I decided today to take a look at fuel injectors and CHT probes so I pulled both. All of my equipment is new.

The fuel injectors all produced the same amount when I did the 30 sec fuel flow test. A few of them did have a little blockage but cleared with a squirt or two of carb cleaner. I pulled the CHT probes...

I placed them all in a cup of ice water and calibrated at 32 and then boilled them at 212.
The top end was quite hard as where the numbers jumped around a bunch and never stabilized. So I finialy got it as close as I could.
I watched as the temps decresed in the water and on the AF2500 but I still wondered if I have the right numbers for calibration. All this new tech stuff is good but sometimes when you change calibration factors you almost feel as thought you are making the gauge say what you want it to and not what it should say.

Can you take calibration factors from other like systems. Would this work?

If so is there anyone out there willing to share some figures with me.


Bruce Ray

ps. My airplane's name is about to be "Hot Momma"