
Well Known Member
We have been flying the touch-screen version of the AF-5600 in the RV-10 for over 6 weeks. We have added a number of new touch features and it is working extremely well, even in turbulence. Currently, you can change the heading bug, select the radio tuning page, swipe the MAP-EFIS-EMS, and zoom the map-all using the touch screen. We have taken our innovative easy to use EFIS interface and made it even better.

This video was taken on a recent flight flight from the Oregon coast back to our home airport in Canby:

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10
Nice progress Rob! I look forward to seeing it in person soon. Can we assume you'll have them at OSH?
Very cool but this will definitely hamper eating chicken wings on long cross countries. That may be a deal breaker for some of us.
Nice progress Rob! I look forward to seeing it in person soon. Can we assume you'll have them at OSH?

We will have the AF-5600T (10.4") and AF-5800T (12.1") in our booth at Oshkosh. We are currently waiting for a shipment of 8.4" touch screens and if they arrive on time we will also have the AF-5500T and AF-5400T.

The AF-5400T is an AF-5000 system that uses the same mounting as the old AF-3500/4500.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10
Nice work Rob. Making a new Efis to fit in the 3500/4500 slot is very smart move. That will sure create a lot of interest for current 3500/4500 users. Myself included. Sure cant wait until I have time for a panel redesign.

Keep it up and thanks for all your help and great customer service.
Awesome Rob. Can't wait to play with these at Oshkosh in a few weeks. Just on a cursory look from the video, can I suggest also enlarging the numeric heading bug setting while dragging the bug to a new setting? And since we can drag the heading bug, I'm also assuming we can drag-set the CDI course select bug?
Questions for Rob


I have a couple of questions for you on your 'new' touch screens.....

1.) Can the 'Touch Screen' option be added at a later time, or ONLY at the time of ordering the unit due to it being a different screen/unit?

2.) If the customer buys the 'Touch Screen' unit, but later determines that a 'Touch Screen' is not for them, can 100% of the features still be accessed through the hard buttons?

3.) Is there any resolution or optical-clarity lost in the 'Touch Screen' vs. the regular screen?

4.) Do you know if anyone has successfully installed an AF-5600 10.4" unit in an RV-4 yet?

We will have an upgrade for both units.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10

I afraid of that. $$$:cool:

Would you expect them do it for free? I wouldn't. When you go to buy a new car and you trade in the 3-4 year old one, do you expect a straight across trade? I don't think so.

For some reason there is an expectation in aviation of "upgrade," entitlement. Go ask Garmin for the same deal. The companies are in this to make money. Making a profit allows them to come out with new and exciting stuff.

It is a fact of aviation life that whatever you are planning to put in your panel today will likely be yesterdays equipment when you turn the key. That is why I always advocate waiting until builders are about 6 months out from completion to lock in their panel. The reality is only a couple items need to be known before building to that point.

It always cracks me up when somebody submits their proposed panel design to the group for review and in their signature block it says, "tail kit under construction." It is great to dream but wait. Things are going to change. Get back in the shop and keep pound'n.

Sorry for the rant. Had an extra cup of coffee today:eek:

Nice stuff Rob. Can't wait to get my 5500T's.

Would you expect them do it for free? I wouldn't.

And I don't. I guess my intent was lost via the internet. AFS upgrade deals are very fairly priced IMHO.

What I was afraid of was that there would in fact be a solution for me to upgrade easily, therefore the temptation to spend the $$$ or at least $ when I am quite happy with the AFS units I already have.

I am a fan of AFS. Incidentally, we just ordered AFS for our group Zenith 750 project also.
Not lost

I got the overall intent. It still came across as cost and sounded negative.

Other parts of my post were based on the fact that there ARE people out there that have thought that upgrades should be provided for free because they made a purchase. This is from extremely reliable sources.:eek:

AFS is a great product and the reason I'm putting two of them in the new plane:D
And I don't. I guess my intent was lost via the internet. AFS upgrade deals are very fairly priced IMHO.

What I was afraid of was that there would in fact be a solution for me to upgrade easily, therefore the temptation to spend the $$$ or at least $ when I am quite happy with the AFS units I already have.

I am a fan of AFS. Incidentally, we just ordered AFS for our group Zenith 750 project also.

As a data point, your meaning was clear to me. As a business selling stuff to RV types, perhaps Darwin has been kicked once too often by those he is referring to. :) Such people do exist but I find most I've met to be much more realistic. Upgrades cost money.
Sorta right:)

As a data point, your meaning was clear to me. As a business selling stuff to RV types, perhaps Darwin has been kicked once too often by those he is referring to. :) Such people do exist but I find most I've met to be much more realistic. Upgrades cost money.

Hi Bill,

Actually at JD Air we have been very fortunate with customers "fessing up," to their mistakes. In fact, I can only recall one whose story wasn't accurate. A guy broke the steering link in half and said it broke while taxiing. The reality was he tried to lift the plane with it. Our pre marketing destruction test showed that was the only way to break it at this point.

The RV folks are great people!!!

Now Rob, I'd like my 5500T's with all the upgrades:cool::cool: