
Well Known Member
I have put a few flights on this system now and it works as I hoped, so I wanted to share this with the community.

My requirements for an ADS-B system were:
  • traffic & weather on AF-4500s (meaning, GDL-90 protocol via RS-232)
  • traffic, weather & position data to Foreflight (wifi or bluetooth)
  • dual-band receiver (I wanted to see as much traffic as possible even when out of reach of a ground station)
  • Out type (UAT vs. ES) wasn't a concern, as either type would meet my needs
  • Out would need to provide a 2020-compliant GPS, as I don't have an IFR navigator

I looked at the GTX-345 as an easy In/Out solution, but since Garmin didn't include the ability to send traffic & weather out an RS232 port using the GDL-90 protocol, it would not display on my 4500 as I wanted. So, I decided to split the Out/In equipment -- this also means I can change/upgrade the In equipment as appropriate in the future, without affecting the Out equipment. I settled on installing a GTX-335 with the GPS option in place of my GTX-327.

For the In portion, I built and installed the open-source Stratux receiver. This can be built as a single- or dual-band receiver, as you desire. I built the dual-band stratux, since my biggest complaint with the other available solutions that work with the 4500 (Freeflight, Navworx) is that they are UAT-only. Since most of the Out-equipped aircraft are going for 1090ES equipment, having UAT-only In capability was a handicap to me. I bought all the parts on Amazon for about $160, including the required cables to connect it to my belly-mounted DeltaPop UAT antenna for better reception.

You can see the list of parts I used here (updated with currently-available Amazon items): ( http://a.co/3LkGrBc )

The official stratux website ( stratux.me/ ) has software and instructions for assembling the unit in it's typical configuration. It's not difficult, and there are several blogs chronicling the build, too. I would recommend getting it up and running in the typical configuration first, to be sure it's all working, and then making the few modifications to make it work with the AF-4000. (This should also work with any other EFIS that accepts the GDL-90 protocol, too.)

Note -- I'm running the 1.1b1 version; there is a newer version now but I haven't tested it yet to make sure everything is still functional.

Once you've installed it, check that the filesystem has expanded (this is automatic in new stratux builds, but older versions require you to run this command:
sudo raspbi-config
select the "expand filesystem" option, then reboot the system).

At this point, you should be able to test it with your tablet and verify the stratux is working.

( Read post #14 of this thread for a valuable note. )

For serial output to the 4500 (I believe you do need to have the "s" model 4500, I'm not sure whether traffic will work on the earlier units), stratux builds (1.1b1 or later) have support built in for a certain type of USB to serial adapter, the CP2102. If you pick something else, just be sure that it also provides RS232 level conversion; many of the units for sale are TTL level, which is a lower voltage and may not work with the 4500 serial port (though I didn't test it).

In order for the stratux to know that you want it to use the serial module as an output, you do need to make one minor tweak to the programming, which requires downloading some software from the chipset maker, and setting the "Product Description" field to "Stratux Serialout". See my notes on this on the stratux reddit group in these threads:
...note that I used the Windows software; there is a linux package to do this but it's not preloaded on stratux.

Once the stratux recognizes the serialout, you'll have an additional field in the web interface's settings menu where you'll be able to set the serial speed. For the 4500 you want to set it to 115200.

You'll want to connect to serial port 1 or 3 on the 4500, according to the AFS crew -- ports 2 and 4 aren't capable of handling the higher speed data. Choose "ADSB 115K" as the port config in the admin menu. You'll want to be sure you have the latest AFS software as well, since the 115k support is a recent addition. You only need to connect the ground, and stratux Tx -> AFS Rx lines, not the AFS Tx line.

Distilled into four steps beyond the basic stratux build:
  • buy CP2102 module
  • program "Stratux Serialout" as Product Description
  • connect to stratux and set serial speed
  • wire to 4500 and set up serial port

At this point it should work! The only quirk you'll notice is that ALL of the traffic targets on your 4500 will be displayed with the "yellow ball" alert icon. This is because stratux by default sends all targets with the "alert" flag turned on. If you reprogram stratux to leave that flag off, then the 4500 will use range and altitude information to manage the icons -- open diamond for far traffic, filled diamond for near traffic, and yellow ball for proximate traffic. There is a way to change this, but it does require you to modify one line of code and recompile the stratux package.

In /stratux/main/traffic.go, change
msg[1] = 0x10 | ti.Addr_type // Alert status, address type.
msg[1] = 0x00 | ti.Addr_type // Alert status, address type.
(in stratux 1.1b1, this is at line 248.)

You will need to recompile after editing! Here's what I've been using:
sudo su -
cd /stratux
stxstop && make install && systemctl daemon-reload && stxstart

I posted some more details on this in the stratux reddit group if needed. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/stratux/comments/5ptdbw/rs232_output/dd6a9h8/ )

I'm using the DeltaPop UAT antenna mounted on the belly, and a splitter cable to feed both SDR's from the single antenna (BNC -> SMA cable, then an SMA -> (2) MCX Y-cable inside the stratux case). ( http://a.co/cpdxlXX )

Rather than powering from a 12V "cigarette lighter" plug or my panel-mount USB power jacks, I added a little 12VDC -> 5VDC converter that will do up to 3 amps, they're made for RC models and I've found it to work well and provide plenty of power for the stratux. I haven't noticed any interfering noise on the comm radios. ( http://a.co/dhDlAJl ) I'm drawing less than half an amp between 12 and 15 volts.

I brought the 12V power and data connections to a DB connector that I mounted to the side of the stratux case for better integration into the plane. The stratux still has its own GPS module on the glareshield; I think there may be a way to input NMEA data from my other GPS but I haven't worked it out yet. The whole thing fits inside the plastic stratux case, except that I had to desolder the header pins of the serial module, and solder wires to the board pads. I have one SMA connector feeding both radios, and use a short SMA -> BNC whip to connect to the ship's antenna cable (RG-400). I do have a whip antenna too, just for testing outside the plane during the build.

Alongside this project, I also added a second 4500s display to use as a fullscreen map, and the ARINC converter allowing the EFIS to drive the Trutrak autopilot. Combined, I've gained a lot of utility in my panel. My only remaining wish is for a way to push flight plans from the ipad to the 4500 like you can with the new 5000 series, since the Foreflight's flightplan editor is much more elegant than the internal 4500 one.

I'm happy with the setup so far. I use Foreflight on my ipad to display the same traffic and weather info; the display is prettier there, and the 4500 filters distant traffic so you see many more distant targets on the ipad, but it's handy to have the traffic and metar data on the panel display. I usually pick up 3 towers in the pattern, and 6 towers by ~2000AGL. Some screen captures from test flights (there's even a Pete Howell sighting)...

( h/t to Tcox750 who also built this and got it working with his AFS system, and added the part I forgot about the filesystem expand. )

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Wow, great writeup! I've got a similar upgrade planned, so thanks for sharing the results of your labor! Right now I've got a GTX-330 feeding TIS-B traffic into my 4500. I wonder if I can maintain that connection or whether I need to abandon that input given the stratux input. Are you also displaying ADS-B weather on the 4500? Any photos of how that compares to XM on the 4500? Im still paying a subscription for XM. I wonder if i have enough ports to maintain that for a while while comparing it with ADS-B delivered weather.

I have always figured that I would do the ES upgrade to the GTX-330 (connected to GNS430W) to get ADSB out. You are using a single belly mounted UAT antenna to feed both the UAT & ES receivers? That is working well? Interesting! I always figured I would need 2 receive antennae.

The connection between the IPAD and the stratux is wifi? Right now i use garmin pilot; I may have to change to foreflight to display the sratux info there.

Thanks again for the excellent and informative writeup!
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This is a picture of my 4500 using the Stratux and showing some weather and a traffic target.

Right now I've got a GTX-330 feeding TIS-B traffic into my 4500. I wonder if I can maintain that connection or whether I need to abandon that input given the stratux input.
Not sure what the 4500 will do with traffic info from two sources. But the ADS-B traffic sent from the ground station should include everything you'd see via TIS-B on the 330 (If I understand it correctly).

Are you also displaying ADS-B weather on the 4500? Any photos of how that compares to XM on the 4500?
I get weather -- NEXRAD, METARs and TAFs -- on the 4500, though I don't have any screenshots of it since my few flying days have been pretty clear lately. I like to have the metars in particular, because I don't have a nav receiver, and a bunch of airports in the area have their AWOS broadcasts on the VOR freq. I've been using ADS-B weather for a couple years on Foreflight.

I have always figured that I would do the ES upgrade to the GTX-330 (connected to GNS430W) to get ADSB out. You are using a single belly mounted UAT antenna to feed both the UAT & ES receivers? That is working well? Interesting! I always figured I would need 2 receive antennae.
To be clear, I do have two belly antennas -- one for the GTX335 transponder, and one for the stratux, which feeds both the UAT and ES receivers. If you want to dig into it further, one of the guys who contributes to the stratux project has done some antenna testing and shown that you get acceptable reception on both bands whether your antenna is tuned for 1090 or 978. I figured 978 tuning is better since the 1090 transmissions are typically at higher power anyway. You can dig through his test reports on the stratux Github -- https://github.com/cyoung/stratux/issues/203

The connection between the IPAD and the stratux is wifi? Right now i use garmin pilot; I may have to change to foreflight to display the sratux info there
Yes, Wifi to the iPad. There are new Pi boards with Bluetooth but support in stratux isn't there yet. I've used Foreflight, and also tested a WingX demo. Foreflight doesn't play with the AHRS in stratux, some of the others do. AFAIK, there is no support for stratux in Garmin Pilot (too bad, because it'll run on much cheaper tablets).
Thanks all! Yep, with no Stratux support, that'll be the end of my Garmin Pilot subscription!

Can the RY835AI chipset be omitted? I have no use for an extra AHRS or GPS within the Stratux.
Can the RY835AI chipset be omitted? I have no use for an extra AHRS or GPS within the Stratux.

No need for the RY835 if you don't want AHRS. (And AHRS is sort of a work in progress, with some EFBs not compatible.). The USB gps pucks work well for basic position, which you'll want in order to feed your tablet unless you have internal gps.
Thanks again for the feedback! As far as I can tell, porting ADS-B IN Data to the AFS should provide a couple of benefits over just viewing on the IPAD:

1. Because the AFS-4500 is integrated with ship's audio, ADS-B traffic should include audible alerts ("TRAFFIC"!) whereas they might not be immediately noticed visually on the IPAD (is this correct?)
2. The AFS is in my primary viewing area whereas the IPAD is somewhat peripherally located - so I may not immediately see something on the IPAD
3. The AFS provides means for a redundant display of both wx & traffic

Having said that, viewing distant weather data is not easy or intuitive on the AFS 4500 - at least using XM. I can't see any nexrad data beyond about 500 miles, and I do many trips where I cover a lot more than that in a day. Similarly, using the AFS-4500 to check METARS along the route is clunky at best (I need to initiate a "direct to" or hit "nearest" to select an airport along/near my route on the 4500, then I can access it's METAR/TAF - one at a time). I can't "play" or animate nexrad motion. I can't scroll the display away from my present position. All of these add up to making weather access time consuming and annoying. Is this weather interface on the 4500 any different with ADS-B derived weather data than it is for XM?? I would think that the IPAD would become the primary weather device due to the more intuitive interface while the 4500 would be the backup. Have you found this to be the case? Can AIRMETS be viewed on the 4500? Or just on the IPAD?

And I would expect that the 4500 would be the primary device for traffic due to its more selective (decluttered) display, and due to it's audible alerts - which to me are the real key. Would you agree?
1. Because the AFS-4500 is integrated with ship's audio, ADS-B traffic should include audible alerts ("TRAFFIC"!) whereas they might not be immediately noticed visually on the IPAD (is this correct?)
And I would expect that the 4500 would be the primary device for traffic due to its more selective (decluttered) display, and due to it's audible alerts - which to me are the real key. Would you agree?
I'm definitely using the 4500 as primary traffic display, since it's right in front of me. I haven't heard it generate any audio alerts, however. I don't see a "traffic" audio file in the package available from the AFS website either, so I'm honestly unsure whether it does audio alerts. Maybe Rob or one of the gang from AFS will see this and confirm?

Also, Foreflight has a quirk with the GDL90 traffic where some targets occasionally lose their heading data--position still shows, but heading doesn't (so it displays as a diamond rather than an arrow). The 4500 keeps displaying the heading data and vector line, which I believe is valuable information when evaluating potential conflicts.
I have submitted notes, screenshots, and logs on this issue to Foreflight a few weeks back -- they said they would look into it but I haven't heard anything yet. The issue should affect users of other GDL90 devices too (like Freeflight). If anyone else has noticed this, please submit to [email protected] so they know it affects multiple users (emphazise the GDL90 part, not the stratux part, or they may brush it off as an "unsupported device").

...viewing distant weather data is not easy or intuitive on the AFS 4500 - at least using XM. I can't see any nexrad data beyond about 500 miles, and I do many trips where I cover a lot more than that in a day. Similarly, using the AFS-4500 to check METARS along the route is clunky at best (I need to initiate a "direct to" or hit "nearest" to select an airport along/near my route on the 4500, then I can access it's METAR/TAF - one at a time). I can't "play" or animate nexrad motion. I can't scroll the display away from my present position. All of these add up to making weather access time consuming and annoying.
Can AIRMETS be viewed on the 4500?
100% agree. These are all limitations with the 4500, I believe the display interaction is the same as with XM-supplied data. You can zoom out to the widest range, but it takes significant time to redraw the map, and as you noted it's still a limited distance without the ability to slew. I think the newer 5000 series is a step up on these items, but I had to do this on a budget, and a 5000 upgrade for me would also require new AHRS, magnetometer, changes to pitot/static routing, etc, making it fairly costly. If I strike it rich, I could upgrade just the new MFD to a 5400 to get the more advanced mapping, leaving my PFD alone to avoid the need to replace hardware.

AFS documentation (at least the most recent manual, v7.4) shows these products available from ADS-B:
  • NEXRAD (last frame only, no animation)
  • METAR (text, flag on airport symbol; note colors are different than Foreflight)
  • TAF (raw only, not a decoded format)
  • TFR (drawn on map)
  • Lightning
  • Winds Aloft

I'm using the 4500 for nearby weather info and looking up reports for nearby & destination stations, and Foreflight for longer-range info, planning, additional products like AIRMET and PIREPs, and radar animations. Stratux does have a "replay" feature like the official Stratus receiver, that will cache an amount of received FIS-B data while your tablet is sleeping, and dump it to the app once it wakes up.
I haven't heard it generate any audio alerts, however. I don't see a "traffic" audio file in the package available from the AFS website either, so I'm honestly unsure whether it does audio alerts. Maybe Rob or one of the gang from AFS will see this and confirm?
Now that you mention it, the "TRAFFIC" alerts I get are the British lady's voice - meaning that they come from the GTX-330, not the AFS-4500 as I had thought. Shoot, that is a bummer since the audible attention getter is the most important feature of a traffic alert to me.

AFS documentation (at least the most recent manual, v7.4) shows these products available from ADS-B:
  • NEXRAD (last frame only, no animation)
  • METAR (text, flag on airport symbol; note colors are different than Foreflight)
  • TAF (raw only, not a decoded format)
  • TFR (drawn on map)
  • Lightning
  • Winds Aloft
Have you verified that all of these come through on the 4500? (I never paid for Lightning or Winds Aloft from XM, so I have no idea how they display).

I'm using the 4500 for nearby weather info and looking up reports for nearby & destination stations, and Foreflight for longer-range info, planning, additional products like AIRMET and PIREPs, and radar animations.
This is how I figure I would use it too.
I have a 4500 and will likely be implementing all the stuff you're figuring out here. Thanks.

I'd like to upgrade to the AFS 5400 which I think is a plug in replacement for the 4500 but I've been flying on a budget these days.

All that said though, I'd just love it if the Foreflight guys would team up with Dynon/AFS and just use Foreflight for the main efis screen! Wouldn't that be cool to have an EFIS running on iOS and every Foreflight upgrade just works with our EFIS's?
Have you verified that all of these come through on the 4500?
I've seen NEXRAD, METAR, TAF. I'll remember to check winds aloft and TFR's next time I get up; I doubt I'll get to see lightning for a few months here.

I'd like to upgrade to the AFS 5400 which I think is a plug in replacement for the 4500 but I've been flying on a budget these days.
I think you may need to move a few pins on the connectors, but nothing extreme. It is a tempting upgrade, the big draw (for me) would be the ability to connect with Foreflight to load flight plans which could then drive the autopilot.
I'm only seeing 3 items in your P/L on Amazon? Which CP2102 module did you use?

Also, why the larger 32 GB Micro SD card in place of the recommended 8GB version preloaded with V1.0R1 software? Do you download the newer V1.1b1 software from the website instead of getting it preloaded on the SD card?
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I'm only seeing 3 items in your P/L on Amazon? Which CP2102 module did you use?
Whoops, looks like Amazon Lists doesn't work quite the way I thought it did. It should show everything again now, just ignore that it says you need 1000 of everything! The vendor I ordered the CP2102 from (via Amazon) reports they're out of stock, but the module now being sold from the Stratux Store on Amazon (linked from my list) is the same one, and it has the RS232 level converter built in.

NOTE mentioned in post #1 update: word is that the CP2102 modules bought from "Stratux Store" on Amazon are preprogrammed so you don't need to monkey with the "Product Description" thing I mentioned in the original post. I've italicized the parts of the original post you should be able to skip if buying one of those. (Stratux Store is run by the original developer of Stratux, so it also kicks a few cents back to support the project.)

Also, why the larger 32 GB Micro SD card in place of the recommended 8GB version preloaded with V1.0R1 software? Do you download the newer V1.1b1 software from the website instead of getting it preloaded on the SD card?
I wanted to work with 1.1b1 since it had known good support for serial output; at the time it wasn't being sold preloaded. I bought the larger card since memory is cheap and if it didn't work out, I could reuse the card in a phone or camera. As it is, I at least shouldn't have to worry about the log files filling up the chip any time soon... I think the stratux load only takes a few GB.
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word is that the CP2102 modules bought from "Stratux Store" on Amazon are preprogrammed so you don't need to monkey with the "Product Description" thing I mentioned in the original post... it also kicks a few cents back to support the project.)
Fantastic, thanks!

Any recommendation on a 978 UAT rubber-duck antenna for initial checkout & troubleshooting??

I worked on this feverishly last year and got caught at the final hurdle with AFS. The inbound transfer protocol wasn't available on the AFS. Good to hear it is now available. What version of the software or you using?

Also, just wanting to confirm, all 1090 traffic is presenting? This is the only traffic we have down under.. :)

And which antenna did you use on the aircraft for that frequency?

Thanks in advance.
What version of the software or you using?

Also, just wanting to confirm, all 1090 traffic is presenting? This is the only traffic we have down under.. :)

And which antenna did you use on the aircraft for that frequency?

Running software V8.8.35-MV16 on both my 4500s displays.

Yes, seeing the 1090 traffic along with the UAT we have here in the states. There's a toggle in the stratux settings page you can turn on and it will mark the traffic types so you can see what's coming from each source for curiosity or troubleshooting.

I have the DeltaPop UAT antenna from Don Pansier feeding both radios in the stratux. Since you don't have UAT, you'll be better off with a regular transponder antenna (Don's or otherwise, like the TED version) tuned for the 1090 frequency...and you can save a few bucks by not having to put the UAT radio in the box, too.
This parallels work I've been doing to support Avidyne IFD440/540/550. There is a pull request inbound to stratux to address the spurious alerts by only showing alerts for traffic within a certain radius vs. every target.
If power is supplied to this unit through the normal power input jack (micro USB?), any idea if backfeeding the 12-5V converter would damage it? (I will probably use this with a normal USB charging cable for initial airborne checkout prior to integrating into the plane).

Also, would you trust these DC/DC converters to power your IPAD?
This parallels work I've been doing to support Avidyne IFD440/540/550. There is a pull request inbound to stratux to address the spurious alerts by only showing alerts for traffic within a certain radius vs. every target.

The pull request was accepted so it's in master now and will likely be in the next release for those who prefer not to build the software from source.
If power is supplied to this unit through the normal power input jack (micro USB?), any idea if backfeeding the 12-5V converter would damage it? (I will probably use this with a normal USB charging cable for initial airborne checkout prior to integrating into the plane).

Also, would you trust these DC/DC converters to power your IPAD?

You could insert a diode on the line from the converter to the Pi, which would prevent backfeeding the device if powering from the USB port. I don't know if the converter would be damaged by the backfeeding or not, though.

I'm not certain about the UBEC converter powering an iPad; they definitely have the capacity (3A+ vs the iPad's 2.1A charging requirement), but I don't know how closely regulated they are...would be worthwhile to stick it on a meter and compare voltage under various loads.
I also seem to recall that a power supply needs to have a certain resistor in place to tell the iPad to enter fast-charging mode, so if you experiment with it, that might be something to look into.
A couple years ago, I replaced my "cigarette lighter" plug in the panel with a 2-port USB power supply, to power my Stratus I and ipad. That'd be the safe way to go, though it'll cost a few bucks more.

The pull request was accepted so it's in master now and will likely be in the next release for those who prefer not to build the software from source.
Nifty! I saw that go through this morning and will probably update to the latest master version and recompile to test out that and the other updates since 1.1b1.
How to test

Hello all and Happy Thanksgiving,

I built the Stratux several months back and I've been using it with the IPad. I decided to add the serial output and upgrade the Stratux software/build. Everything still works with the IPad but still can't get anything on the 4500.

I'm going 232T from Stratux to serial one receive (white / orange wire) on 4500 and 232Gnd from Stratux to serial one ground (White/Blue wire) on 4500. I have changed the setup on serial one of the 4500 to ADSB 115k. Serial port one one this box was not used prior.

The only change that I made to the Stratux code was changing the 000 to 010 code as referenced early on this post.

My set up is Dual 4500's, G430W, SL30 and G330 transponder. I get TIS traffic and had XM weather. I physically detached the XM receiver at the receiver (i.e. Didn't disconnect the LAN cable on the 4500 ) and I have switched all the reference to ADSB weather to NONE.

I still don't see anything on the 4500's for traffic or weather. The "about" screen shows nothing passing through via ADSB. I've checked wiring, checked all the config that I can find but still nothing.

Next step would be to drop new code on the Stratux just to verify that I didn't mess anything up when I change the one line of code.

Any other ideas of what to check and or test?

Thanks and again... Happy Thanksgiving!!

And Roll Tide!! . Should be an interesting weekend....
I'm going 232T from Stratux to serial one receive (white / orange wire) on 4500 and 232Gnd from Stratux to serial one ground (White/Blue wire) on 4500. I have changed the setup on serial one of the 4500 to ADSB 115k.
I still don't see anything on the 4500's for traffic or weather. The "about" screen shows nothing passing through via ADSB. I've checked wiring, checked all the config that I can find but still nothing.

If you're not seeing the counter increment on the 4500, it's not picking up any valid ADSB data on the serial input. That points to either a wiring issue (it sounds like your wiring is correct) or a config issue with Stratux.

I'm still running the old Stratux version in my plane, because it's been working fine so haven't seen the need to fuss with it -- can you post the version number of your Stratux build and maybe someone else can confirm it's working for them?

Most likely culprit would be the serial output setup on the Stratux.
1/ what serial output dongle are you using? Is it for sure providing RS232 levels and not TTL?
2/ have you programmed it for the "Stratux Serialout" descriptor so the box knows that's how it should be used?
3/ Have you set the port speed in Stratux to match your 4500? (115200)

I'd start with a fresh Stratux install, and connect the serial port to your computer for troubleshooting -- you can use Putty or a similar program to monitor the port to be sure the Stratux is sending data.

Once you know your Stratux is providing output on the bench, then reconnect it to the 4500.

Finally, once you have the 4500 receiving data from the base build, then go back and modify the build if needed to adjust the alert flags (though the mod I detailed should no longer be required with ChiefPilot's contribution noted earlier.)
Most likely culprit would be the serial output setup on the Stratux.
1/ what serial output dongle are you using? Is it for sure providing RS232 levels and not TTL?
2/ have you programmed it for the "Stratux Serialout" descriptor so the box knows that's how it should be used?
3/ Have you set the port speed in Stratux to match your 4500? (115200)

I'd start with a fresh Stratux install, and connect the serial port to your computer for troubleshooting -- you can use Putty or a similar program to monitor the port to be sure the Stratux is sending data.

Thanks Joshua,

I'm using the CP2102 as you referenced above and bought it via the Stratux store so "assuming" it has the description as "Stratux Serialout". I do see serial port enabled when connecting via http and have the baud rate set to 115200k. Would that validate that the description is correct? i.e. "Stratux Serialout"?

I've running 1.4.r3 as I downloaded the latest version. I still have the old version on a SD card so maybe I'll try that one. Hopefully, I just screwed up something when making the code change.

Thanks for your / y'alls help with this!!

Are you using serial port #1 or #3 on the AF-4500?

Only serial port #1 and port #3 are high speed ports with buffering.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
I have the AF4000. I am in the process of adding the GDL-82 for ADS-B out. Can I get ADS-B In to show on my system with the GDL90? Would much prefer to see traffic and weather on my second AF4000 display than my iPad. Is this possibles? BTW, I should add that I have a GTX327.
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