
I'm New Here
I'm hoping someone with experience in interconnecting AF-3400 EFIS with GNS430W and GMA340 audio panel could help me. Do I still need the ARINC module for this?

If anyone has some information on how to do this or if it is possible, it would be greatly appreciated.
Know nothing about the audio panel but the 430W will work with the AFS unit.

If you want to take advantage of the 430W fully, you will need the ARINC module. If all you want is GPS serial data out of the 430W (no VOR/LOC/GS or no GPSS, GPSV etc.) then you would not need the ARINC module.

If you pay the big bucks for a 430W, I would suggest you get the ARINC module......

AFS has wiring diagrams on their website that show how to fully connect a 430W to their box.
Audio Panel

It will connect to the audio panel. You get to hear Jenny's voice saying things like "Low fuel pressure" when you pull about 4 g's and forget to turn the fuel pump on.
Drop me a note offline. We can draw you up a nice big drawing with all the interconnects on it printed on a nice big sheet of paper.

It's not difficult to do, but it's much easier if you can see the entire interconnect of all the units on one big 3' sheet instead of trying to decipher all the various interconnects between each manual and pinouts. You have interconnects between the 430W, AFS, Audio panel, Transponder (maybe an autopilot), etc.. Almost everything talks to everything - it's not a straight forward one unit to the next.

Also, if you haven't bought the GMA-340 yet, I might encourage you to reconsider....

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