
I am a glider pilot building an RV-8 and planning to install an aero tow equipment to tow our glider. Does anybody of you tows gliders with his RV-8 and has experience and ideas how to install the tow equipment? :confused:
Call Vans. I'm pretty sure they've done this with their 9A.

I would think the 8 would be a little on the fast side. I normally climb out at 100 knots. You would prefer 70 or 80 max aerotow. The 8 isn't going to like to cool at those speeds.
I am also a glider pilot along with towing for our local glider club.

Unfortunately the standard wording in the FAAs flight limitations does not allow glider towing with amateur built experimentals.

FAA Order 8130.2G Sec. 4104(20) "This aircraft must not be used for glider towing, banner towing, or intentional parachute jumping"

If someone can convince their local FSDO otherwise it would be great.

Stan Blanton
Lubbock, TX
These limitations CAN be changed by a "cooperative" FSDO.

I have sold an aircraft to a skydiver who got the "intentional parachute jumping" limitation removed by demonstrating that he could successfully jump from the aircraft.

RV8 G-ZUMI had a tow hook on it, if my memory serves me correctly. It was built by the silence twister agent in the UK who also repairs gliders for a living.

Happy Flying
My dad used to tow myself with his 150HP RV-4. Worked really well when towing modern plastic gliders, it was a bit to fast for old Bergfalkes and similar... It was actually a better (faster to heights) tow plane than the purpouse built Finnish PIK-23


One more pic

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low aspect ratio wings and towing

So, yes, I believe it is possible to get an administrator waver to the operating limitations. I think Van might have done this on an RV-4.

But low aspect ratio wings make lousy tow planes. Because they have high induced drag, they need to fly fast. Setting aside the cooling question, which may also be a valid concern, you better plan on aerotowing at 90 kts.
Below 80 kts, the climb rate is going to be pretty poor.

I'm a glider pilot (LS-6) and a tow pilot. I think I'd rather be towed in a C-150 than an RV-8. (the c-150 with 150 hp STC is not a bad towplane, actually)
Too fast

I agree with Steve. RVs are too fast for towing. My glider's POH sets the maximum permissable speed on aerotow to 73 kts. I have done long retrieval tows at those speeds (and up to ~80 kts), and it wasn't fun.

The cylinder heads aren't going to like it much. They heat up quick in a full power climb even at "normal" climb speeds.

You really need to be able to tow at around 60 kts.

I've wondered if an RV-12 and a light glider might make a good combo.
Here in Sweden cooling was not an issue, specially during the winter :)

When towing the Twin II glider, towing speed was around 90kt...