
We are fortunate enough to have one of the first complete Aerosport Product RV-14 Interiors. Our leather seats, side panels, cup holders, pockets, carpet... virtually everything is from Aerosport. We couldn't be happier with the final result.

The interior panels are very light, durable, flexible, and easy to install. Maybe more important, easy to uninstall and reinstall when the need to be removed for Annual or other maintenance where you need access to under the floor or tunnel. Geoff and the Aerosport team were great to work with. Being one of the first, there were a few fit hiccups that they were quick to rectify and resolve, usually with a newly designed/altered piece. This was our first RV and our first experience with an interior of any kind. We are currently building a 10 and will be very quick to look to Aerosport for our 10 interior.

OK, this is sounding like an ad. Not the intent (and yes, we paid for our interior). We're just proud of our finished bird.

-Mark & Shane


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The interior looks great, Mark & Shane! Those side panels are slick - I like how they incorporated the vents.
