Jon Clements

Well Known Member
I have searched the Threads and posts and can not get a clear answer on this one.

I have an Aerosportpower IO360M1 which is driving a Hartzell C/S prop.

I opted for the VANS firewall forward kit which includes the MT Prop Governor. Can anyone give me some advice in relation to this installation - specifically:

The MT Prop Gov has four primary holes on it for oil transfer whereas the extension mount on the engine only has two holes. One of the additional two holes transfers oil through the curved "groove" however the other will effectively be blocked when installed. Is this OK?

The ASP engine also has an extension on the prop gov mount. This extension rotates the relevant mounting position from vertical to 45deg to the right and the oil line is redirected into the extension (the previous hole being plugged).

It appears that the MT Prog Gov will fit however i am concerned about the reltionship of the oil transfer holes (as explained above) and also the control arm ends upside down meaning that I will have to undo the six perimeter screws and rotate the centre to align the control arm suitably.

Further to this there is only one position the bracket will fit which results in the cable coming in high under the oil filter (enough clearance but ends up fairly close).

If anyone has been through this set-up and can advise or send me some photos it would be greatly appreciated.

I don't want to remove the tie wires unless I am sure the MT Prop Gov is correct (in case I have to return it to VANS). In a nutshell I need to know it will be OK before I dive any deeper.


Mount the governor and rotate the head and you should be all set.
Good Luck,
?The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."
The plot thickens

Hi Mahlon -

Since I sent my post a couple of people have drawn my attention to the combination of the MT Gov with the Hartzell C/S Blended Airfoil in relation to surging issues. Seems I need to check the Gov Part No. before installing - may need to be modified prior to installation.....


not the props fault

Its not the combination of MT governor and Hartzell blended prop that is the problem. I have the same combination.

However I did encounter the surging issue several times. I had to replace the governor (twice). The current one has a serial number ending in -D. If yours is a -B, it needs to be replaced.

I haven't had any surging since.

Its not the combination of MT governor and Hartzell blended prop that is the problem. I have the same combination.

However I did encounter the surging issue several times. I had to replace the governor (twice). The current one has a serial number ending in -D. If yours is a -B, it needs to be replaced.

I haven't had any surging since.


Hi Steve -

Not blaming the prop as such - apparently the issue with the MT Gov is pronounced by the Hartzell Blended Airfoil as I understand it.

Checked my Gov - has a D on the Serial number so hopefully mine won't need replacing...


Gov Mod


Sorry to say this but MT didn't really get the Gov-prop issue fully sorted untill the 'F' series of this governor. I would send it back to be updated as I flew mine and had trouble with the 'D' model. They will do it for free and it's much better now than taking the risk that it will be ok and being grounded later.


Will do Pete - it will be off to the Gov Doc.

Have since received advice that it needs to be upgraded.


I have a "D" govenor with the 360-M1/ BA combination. Originally, I didn't encounter surging until I adjusted the stop to bring the RPM down on takeoff. I was experiencing about 2830 RPM on departure so I needed to bring this down. When I adjusted the stop on the govenor, I started experiencing some light hunting, about 50 RPM or so. In adjusting that stop, I may have been limiting the oil to the prop. After doing some research on the subject, I've adjusted the stop back to the original position and see the 2830 RPM again on departure, but no hunting or surging.

As I understand Hartzell adjusts the prop stops for the given engine, thus the prop is designed to provide 2700 RPM for a 180 HP engine. If your engine is a little hopped up and providing a little more HP, you'll get a bit more RPM out of the engine. The fix would be an adjustment of the fine blade prop stops in accordance with the Hartzel prop manual. In this case, per the manual, a 3/4 turn of the stop in, will decrease the max RPM in the fine position by about 130-140 RPM, bringing the RPM back down to a max of 2700.

Since I don't have the surging now, I'll adjust the prop stops in accordance with the manual and see if that does the trick.
I have a "D" govenor with the 360-M1/ BA combination. Originally, I didn't encounter surging until I adjusted the stop to bring the RPM down on takeoff. I was experiencing about 2830 RPM on departure so I needed to bring this down. When I adjusted the stop on the govenor, I started experiencing some light hunting, about 50 RPM or so. In adjusting that stop, I may have been limiting the oil to the prop. After doing some research on the subject, I've adjusted the stop back to the original position and see the 2830 RPM again on departure, but no hunting or surging.

As I understand Hartzell adjusts the prop stops for the given engine, thus the prop is designed to provide 2700 RPM for a 180 HP engine. If your engine is a little hopped up and providing a little more HP, you'll get a bit more RPM out of the engine. The fix would be an adjustment of the fine blade prop stops in accordance with the Hartzel prop manual. In this case, per the manual, a 3/4 turn of the stop in, will decrease the max RPM in the fine position by about 130-140 RPM, bringing the RPM back down to a max of 2700.

Since I don't have the surging now, I'll adjust the prop stops in accordance with the manual and see if that does the trick.

I am a bit suprised about these comments about issues with the MT P-860 Serie governors. Indeed, I did Flight Testing with it on a Lyco IO-360 (180 HP) in combination with 2 MT props (Elliptical and Scimitar blades), 2 metal Hartzell (Scimitar) and one Composite Hartzell ("Canoe Paddles"); I never experienced any surging; Further, over the last two years I have seen the installation of about 200 of those P-860 governors on the IO-360 with no complaints from the operators.

See my propeller/governor adjustment comments on Post #9 at