
Has anybody heard of anyone actually flying with Aerosance's FADEC system controlling a constant speed propeller? I haven't been able to find much on it. I'm wondering how pilots are liking it as well as weight and costs.
The Aerosance FADEC does not yet include control of the propeller, just the engine. It does have full control of the spark timing and electronic fuel injection. I have my deposit in and expect to take delivery early next year. As best I can tell there are about 150 in service. I've talked to a few owners flying, and all seem satisfied. It is expensive. Details, including pricing, are available at
Other information


My understanding also is no FADEC prop control yet.

We have the engine, harness and 7A in progress - saw the engine run at Mattituck - looks like a really good solution to me. The expense was justifiable for us based on the IO w/ Mags vs O + IOF upgrade.

For yours (and others) information - a Yahoo group for AeroSance owners / builders / fliers is available ( ) - includes a range of aircraft (ie. non-RV) but good knowledge.


Sorry FADEC prop control, tried and they elected not to offer it

topgun260 said:
Has anybody heard of anyone actually flying with Aerosance's FADEC system controlling a constant speed propeller? I haven't been able to find much on it. I'm wondering how pilots are liking it as well as weight and costs.
They already made it, tried it and found it did was not not worth it (or did not work well). It was an electronically controlled and actuated prop governor. I know because I called them and asked. :( Sorry.

The way they get a single prop/throttle on the Columbia or Cirrus (forget which one) is they use a mechanical link from the throttle control cable to move prop control with some kind of cam. It is not electronic as I thought. The tech guy I talked at Aerosance's, who has a Lancair builder, did something similar, a mechanical throttle/prop control link. Full throttle the prop is at high RPM, as you pull the throttle back, the prop is set to a lower RPM, a set amount, and that is it. Simple, like a two speed bike. The details of the mechanism I don't know. I don't know if you can override it or why you would want to give up the control of the prop? :confused:

Personally, I absolutly don't get people going all goo goo over the single lever. I guess it's like a jet? Personally a prop control is so easy to use I fail to see the advantage. I think that is what Aerosances conclusion was and why they abandoned the prop control servo/governor.

Here is a typical flight for the prop control (and petty much the mixture as well)

Start, Taxi: nothing
Run-up: exercise (3-4 seconds)
Takeoff: nothing
Climb: dial prop back to 2,500 rpm
(or leave it at 2,700 rpm or 2,600 rpm if restricted)
Cruise: nothing (or set as desired)
Descent: nothing (or set as desired)
Approach: once slowed, full fwd/high RPM.
Land and Taxi: nothing
Shut Down: nothing​
Except for run-up, one RPM reduction and approach you are looking at three prop operations, only two in flight. Two lousy movements of the blue knob. :eek: :rolleyes: :D

I am being a little toung in cheek, but how much would you be willing to pay for the FADEC auto prop RPM feature? How much extra weight? I understand it would be cool for the computer to control the RPM and why it seems like a cool idea, but what RPM's do you need to set: Low, medium and High. Also props vary and like different RPM. My Hartzell loved certain RPMs and in cruise I could tune it for smoother operations, seat of the pants.

Last having all the extra control is probably not cost effective. Adding the complexity of a electro mechanical controlled hydraulic governor is also a challenge and no doubt be expensive.
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