
Well Known Member
Anybody else on this list going to attend the AeroElectric seminar in Columbus, OH the weekend of December 1st and 2nd besides me? It looks like 23 people signed up. Just wondering who I might get to meet thats building also.
Anybody else on this list going to attend the AeroElectric seminar in Columbus, OH the weekend of December 1st and 2nd besides me? It looks like 23 people signed up. Just wondering who I might get to meet thats building also.

I know of at least a half dozen RV builder's that will be in attendance. Not all are active on VAF. I do have the list of attendees, but it doesn't indicate what they are building. PM me with your email address and I'll foward you the list of names.

For those wondering how I have the list of attendees. EAA Chapter 9 is the sponsor. I'm the Chapter VP and am coordinating the event with Bob.

Perhaps I should send out an email to everyone as a method to start intrductions before we get together?

Both my son Brad and I will be there. We're building a RV-10.