
Chief Obfuscation Officer
As the title says I am looking for opinions or comments on both the AeroElectric and SportAir electrical wiring classes.

Have you taken either? If so, what did/do you think of the class?

I get the impression from reading descriptions of both that the AeroElectric is more theory while the SportAir is more hands-on. Anyone care to comment?

PS - I already have the AeroElectric book.

Hi Brad!

I hosted an AeroElectric Seminar here in Plymouth, MA. Bob is a great guy. His session does have more theoretical information than hard, concrete... "Wire your airplane THIS WAY" kind of information. He gives you the menatal tools to do the job and the latitude to do it your way.

Theory is an essential part of learning. You should understand it if you want to build and maintain a reliable electrical system.

He can go off on a tangient and doesn't always stay on topic.

This being said, I consider it money well spent. Most of my attendees said the same. Besides, anytime you can talk about airplanes is a good time.

:) CJ
AeroElectric or SportAir Seminars

I attended a SportAir Electric weekend in Griffin, GA about a year ago. I have forgotten the instructors name, but it was an excellent experience. His practices mirrored much of Bobs' design philosophy and practices. What this course offered was a good hands-on experience using the tools you will likely need to do a good wiring job on your aircraft project. It gave me the confidence to wade into the electrical side of my project and do a good job. It also allowed me to wade thru the choices of tools available and decide whether a simple basic tool will do or whether to splurge on a more complex(expensive) tool. Good luck on your choice.
Thanks for the input guys!

I am actually looking for both theory (design) and practice (hands-on), and it sounds like the classes may compliment each other. I might just take both, I just don't want to waste money if they cover the same stuff. Certainly some overlap in content expected, I just don't want it to be 100%.