Well Known Member
I have an old Aerocom intercom in my -4, and the headset mics are now staying open - the squelch for the pilot mic usually does not work. After a half hour or so it sometimes starts to work.

Before I look for a replacement intercom, is there anything else that would cause this problem? I am using a Zulu headset.
I assume you have a manual squelch control.
This is a long shot, but inexpensive:
Go to Radio Shack, get some contact/control cleaner in a spray can.
Gain access to the squelch control, and spray it liberally with the cleaner, and move the control back and forth.
Good luck.
The ( non adjustable) squelch on my Aerocom 2 place intercom sometime is a problem if the second headset is left plugged in when no one is using it. I store it under the panel and it picks up a lot of noise. I usually pull the mic plug if no one is flying copilot and that helps minimize the the extra VOX in and out .
Dennis, I don't have the passenger headset connected, but sometimes the obvious gets missed so was a good thought.

Bob, your post motivated me to at least take this apart and have a look. I found a battery pack inside that had been creating some acid, and it had migrated onto the circuit board a bit. The squelch control is a sealed unit so I did not take it apart, but I sprayed some contact cleaner on it anyway, cleaned up the circuit board a bit, and put it back together.

Voila! It works properly now. Not sure exactly what I did that fixed it, but will see how long it lasts.

I am wondering about taking out the battery pack altogether. I will contact PS Engineering and see if they can tell me if the external power will work with the battery pack disconnected.
No battery needed if panel powered

It will operate just fine with no battery as long as panel power is plugged in. DRR