My two and a half year-old son saw me sitting at the computer, climbed on my lap, and asked to see airplane pictures, so we watched that together.

When that was over he wanted to see more so we watched Tree Top Flyer next.

I'm thinking I may just be a bad influence on the boy.
super video

Thanks, that helps while my bird is down from almost loosing the prop. It takes a lot of finesse (airspeed and hp) and training :Dto do the outside loops in the RVs without exceeding 3 negative Gs and Vne.
Ball-bustin' time...why is it that the videos of RVs flying throughout the fully aerobatic range, including negative G seem to be mostly from other countries? Maybe here in the states we are lucky to have so many airplanes to choose from, and that the folks who are "serious" into aerobatics generally choose to fly more dedicated airplanes? Maybe in other countries, RV's ARE more likely to be considered true aerobatic airplanes, if for no other reason than the availability of high performance acro planes is much more limited, unless imported? Just a guess. Fun video. I'm very glad our RV friends abroad are having so much fun with RVs. Would like to see more, and similar representin' here! :)
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Ball-bustin' time...why is it that the videos of RVs flying throughout the fully aerobatic range, including negative G seem to be mostly from other countries? Maybe here in the states we are lucky to have so many airplanes to choose from, and that the folks who are "serious" into aerobatics generally choose to fly more dedicated airplanes? Maybe in other countries, RV's ARE more likely to be considered true aerobatic airplanes, if for no other reason than the availability of high performance acro planes is much more limited, unless imported? Just a guess. Fun video. I'm very glad our RV friends abroad are having so much fun with RVs. Would like to see more, and similar representin' here! :)

Depends what you mean by "imported" ;) Extra (Germany), Cap (France), Sukhoi (Russia), Zlin (Czech) and so on... :)

I don't think anyone considers the RV-4 a suitable airplane for "serious" aerobatics, but the video shows that it can be used for lots of fun. (ie you dont need to only fly straight and level in an RV-4 :) )
Not putting words in Eric's mouth, but I think he means that most "HARD" acros we get to see in videos using the RV's are done outside the US. There seems to be a more grassroots aerobatic acceptance of the RV's outside the US and used in competitions.
Depends what you mean by "imported" ;) Extra (Germany), Cap (France), Sukhoi (Russia), Zlin (Czech) and so on... :)

Very true. :) Those are pricey planes, though. RV's are a good option for those with more modest means. In recent years, I have noticed quite a few American Pitts' going abroad due to the weak dollar.
Those video posters are concerned DR or others will call the FAA police and then have to spend large $ defending what others interpret or thought they saw on some video screen, NO THANKS

[ed. I don't need to call anybody. Dozens of FAA I.P. addresses access these forums on a daily basis. The addresses resolve to Washington DC. I also have a couple of friends who work for the FAA (one at HQ in DC) and they tell me they visit the site every single day (one has a RV).

If you post videos of yourself violating FARs you are putting nails in your own coffin (without any help from me thank you). The feds will most likely see it before I do. With my hard-nose rules I’m trying to keep folks from INCRIMINATING THEMSELVES. But like the comedian Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid."

Fly safe and fly legal. That's all I've ever asked. dr]​
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Those video posters are concerned DR or others will call the FAA police and then have to spend large $ defending what others interpret or thought they saw on some video screen, NO THANKS

I was talking about videos I've seen over the years, not since the "safety missive", which BTW, I do not believe will curtail most folks from posting appropriate videos of RV aerobatics should they desire...which HAS happened since. I hope there is not an element of what you mention.

Thanks for sharing a VERY COOL video!

Great editing, both regarding sound (LOVE the start!) and pics, very smooooth wiew (was the camera motion-stabilized?) and great flying! (ouch, those negative G's... :D ) And a very nice paint-scheme too!

Thanks again!
Dozens of FAA I.P. addresses access these forums on a daily basis.

Great! I am glad they like RV's and have a few Feds interested in them...........I like them too!

Aerobatics are not illegal as long as you fly within the FAR's and your aircraft operational approved capabilities....
Hi there

I would like to assure that no law has been violated during filming this video. The legal cloud- or ground clearances were maintained all the time.
The plane is rated "aerobatic" and was flown within it's limits. I also filed a flight plan since it is necessary for aeros over here and I do hold a valid aerobatic-license.
Heck, the video shows my registration number and my own ugly face right next to it.
However, some manouvers that can be seen are not something you should just "go out and try yourself" because some other dude did on the web.
Performing a outside loop in a RV-4 is not easy and definitely requires more preparation than klicking a link.
Please get enough aerobatic instruction first and fly safe all the time.
Having fun does not mean to fly unsave or illegal.

happy landings

Hi there

I would like to assure that no law has been violated during filming this video. The legal cloud- or ground clearances were maintained all the time.
The plane is rated "aerobatic" and was flown within it's limits. I also filed a flight plan since it is necessary for aeros over here and I do hold a valid aerobatic-license.
Heck, the video shows my registration number and my own ugly face right next to it.
However, some manouvers that can be seen are not something you should just "go out and try yourself" because some other dude did on the web.
Performing a outside loop in a RV-4 is not easy and definitely requires more preparation than klicking a link.
Please get enough aerobatic instruction first and fly safe all the time.
Having fun does not mean to fly unsave or illegal.

happy landings


Hey Thomas, Do you fly from Egelsbach? I based my Cub there for about three years. I am in die Schweisse jetz and building a 4. I still have a house close to Darmstadt. Would be nice to see your 4 up close.
Well said Thomas. Theres always a miss understanding of aerobatic flyers that we are reckles, disregards the law, regulations, etc......when in all contrary, we are one of the safest pilots outthere since we do our flying in a very tight and controlled area with several eyes in the ground looking not only to critisize our manouvers but to also keep an eye on any traffic. We practice in FAA waivered airspace, aerobatic boxes, we issue NOTAMS....
rv7 Acro

Eric's point of view is correct, at least for Brazil, the second country in number of airplanes registered in the world. Here, RV's are used a lot for aerobatics. Other airplanes are more capable, but they are not multi-mission as RV's are. And they are much more expensive than our RV's. So, we use them to do all kind of aerobatics, always respecting it's limits. Watch this video:
Eric's point of view is correct, at least for Brazil, the second country in number of airplanes registered in the world. Here, RV's are used a lot for aerobatics. Other airplanes are more capable, but they are not multi-mission as RV's are. And they are much more expensive than our RV's. So, we use them to do all kind of aerobatics, always respecting it's limits. Watch this video:

that wing is solid as a rock! nicely done!