
Well Known Member
Hi guys..Shortened version of another gal doing aerobatics..Allison has hopes of being a fighter pilot and is currently in the ROTC and has 2 flights in a C182..And a little help from yours truely.

She did pretty good I thought.

Oh and I know the clouds look a bit thick but I could see thru them at all times, despite what the video shows.


Still working on looking left and right during loops!
Delightful! Thanks for sharing. Even after flying mine almost 1000 hours, I still get a big grin watching videos like this.
This will be "required reading" for my three kids, especially the daughters:rolleyes:. What a great flight

As always, thanks for sharing.

As for the enemy, after watching this video, they should be afraid, very afraid!
Go Allison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was great Allison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh....You to Frank!!:D

BTW Frank...Has anyone ever told you that you look like Simon Cowell from American Idol??????
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In all sincerity, you appear to be a fine instructor and you must have a very calming effect. I can't even get people to take the stick, much less loop or roll!

Too cool.....'re a wonderful ambassador for the sport! I sat there for almost ten minutes grinning the whole time.....Hi to Ms. Allison from me,

OK a confession

That was great Allison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh....You to Frank!!:D

BTW Frank...Has anyone ever told you that you look like Simon Cowell from American Idol??????

I sound like him too!...I do radio voice overs for a local non profit radio station..I do the geico Ghekko takeoff as i have the same accent..:)
Aww shucks

Well thanks guys,

As I said I get much pleasure out of sharing the sport with others that don't normally get the opportunity.

Now my log book has more female ridees than male so I have been told to correct the balance!..The funny thing is the guys seem more reluctant than the gals..Weired.

Frank - you may just be the new coolest guy I know! Very nice video. I'd love to hear your instructions/conversations with Allison while you're instructing her on maneuvers. That would be very interesting to those of us that have zero experience with aerobatics, either as a pilot or passenger.

Thanks for the video.
I'm using

Groucho's set up...Easiest thing to do is look on his profile which will take you the necessary details.

The only difference is I use an HV 20 where as Bryan uses an HV10...But they work the same.

Thinking about

Frank - you may just be the new coolest guy I know! Very nice video. I'd love to hear your instructions/conversations with Allison while you're instructing her on maneuvers. That would be very interesting to those of us that have zero experience with aerobatics, either as a pilot or passenger.

Thanks for the video.

Oh Yes...The HV20 camera has provision for a remote mic input which could be used for recording the cockpit conversations...I just need to get an output from the audio panel somehow...Maybe the optional speaker output could be presed into service for this..

Anybody know if this is likely to work?


New camera

Hi Jeff,

I never thought I really needed a camcorder..and indeed until last week I never actually used it for anything but aerobatics, using the remote wide angled security camera...

Then my musician friends discovered the power of you tube and asked me to film them...And wow, these Cannons are pretty darned good...they do some wonderful Hi Def recordings!

The sound sucks but we have a plan to import high quality sound direct from their mixer and do almost braodcast quality recordings...But I digress.

Do a websearch...I bought the HV20 from an outfit in new York called US1 Camera I believe...(do a search for some of the scttlebutt on that under my user name here)

Anyway, Circuit City had the HV20 on sale for $1000...I got it mail order for $550...Everybody told me I was in for a bunch of hard sales pressure hassle but I received the HV20 without delay and no problem whatsoever.

Don't arder any accessories I think is the answer...

Good luck

Ah yes

Looks like this cable plugs into a headset output...

Good idea, And my PS 7000 I think is a 4 place I could in theory rig up a third output just for the camera...In fact I could save the $31 for this cable and make my own flying lead hardwired to the intercom with a jack that plugs directly to the camera.

Of make a splitter (maybe this is what the As$S cable does) so one of the existing headset feeds is also feeding the camera.

A lot of wiring to b flopping about though.

great idea though thanks..:)

Usually the signal meant to drive an auxiliary microphone input on a camera is much lower level than is output by an intercom for driving a set of aviation headphones.
You can easily adapt it by attenuating the level with 1 or 2 47K ohm resistors (depending on whether it is a stereo or mono signal).
Thanks Scott

I'll do that...Better to be safe than blow a hole out the back of the camera eh what?..:)
