What maneuvers do you think are bad for RV7 airframe

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Well Known Member
Hi folks,

I am keen to know any information from experience of anyone that has done flat spins on RV7A. How many turns where done, how easy and how long (turns) does it take to recover since commanded. If was made solo or with 2 persons on board.

I so far have done in mine (solo and with 2 persons) the following maneuvers:

- 3 turn erect spin
- snaps (at 90kts or less)
- stall turns / hammerheads
- loopings
- immelmans

Never exceeded 5G on it! By the way 4G (in my experience) is more than enough for all those.

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.

I'm bit concerned if the snaps will have any affect on the 7 life... thats why I procure to execute it a very low speeds.

Concerned also , since never did it. To know about flat spin capability and or its effects on propeller and engine shaft (any spin effect on those really).

For your enjoyment whatch this (its is a 7 taildragger): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bvyVQO1DFo&index=16&list=PLQP1VLY2V5IMtfiv3DLoDB-VLjm-wl5hy
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