RC transition training?

Great video!

Has anyone made the leap from full scale flying to one of these? I've been thinking of getting an RC plane to keep at our mountain cabin for those calm mornings when I'm wishing I had my RV close by.

Just like in the 'real' world, I suspect an RV isn't the best beginner plane to jump in to without some transition training, so any recommendations would be appreciated.

Crash course in RC. (Sorry...)


The best trainer I've seen for the money! Very fun, very tough, and very stable. And about as cheap as you can get. But I've flown the RV-9 and it seemed to handle well, as any RV should. :D

I started my aviation life as a modeler and it made full-scale training all the more easier. However, it's harder to go from full-scale to R/C because you lose the motion effect of sitting in the plane. And when the R/C plane comes at you, the controls seem to be reversed. Remember to move the control stick under the low wing to level the wings when it's coming at you. And don't fly too far away downwind! :eek:
The plane flies okay and you can fly it in an area the size of a baseball field if you're an experienced RC pilot. It isn't particularly good at doing aerobatics with any precision, but I've thrown loops, rolls, positive and negative snaps, spins, hammerheads, rolling circles, and a couple mild tumbles at it and it does do them. The landing gear area is really weak and I had to reinforce mine for flying on grass. Mine keeps me company while I work, on its big brother.

Has anyone made the leap from full scale flying to one of these? I've been thinking of getting an RC plane to keep at our mountain cabin for those calm mornings when I'm wishing I had my RV close by.

Just like in the 'real' world, I suspect an RV isn't the best beginner plane to jump in to without some transition training, so any recommendations would be appreciated.
Bill, I've got some R/C time under my belt, I'll bet we could fly something like that out of your "back yard". Hit me up the next time you're on this side of the hills :)
Showed my wife the video and said "look at this nut in the RV-9 doing aerobatics." Wife said "I can't believe that guy...I don't feel sorry for him when he ends up nose first in the ground!"
Then it landed and we started laughing. It looked real enough to her!
Bill, I've got some R/C time under my belt, I'll bet we could fly something like that out of your "back yard". Hit me up the next time you're on this side of the hills :)

You are on... But it won't be until sometime in January. We've got a big overseas trip planned over the holidays, but the idea of buying an RC plane to fly around the meadow came to me over Thanksgiving weekend while wishing I had the RV over there on Friday and Saturday.

I went to the hobby shop this evening and think the $90 Champ is a good start. Not too expensive to fix if I auger in, but a good trainer. I killed a good hour flying the RC simulator, which proved that flying an RC plane is pretty **** hard!
I've flown RC for 18 years. The trainer mentioned in this thread is a decent flyer. But if you want something a little more substantial and that won't break if you brush up against it, try something like this:

Personally, I like the nitro powered models. I have a few electrics, but definitely prefer my nitro models. For a trainer, you want a high wing plane with some dihedral and a flat bottom airfoil. Another useful tool is a computer simulator. These things are great for getting the hang of it. Particularly when the plane is coming at you, as mentioned earlier in this thread. For most people, this is the hardest thing to get past. Once you can overcome that, you're almost home free! Here's a good sim:
You are on... But it won't be until sometime in January. We've got a big overseas trip planned over the holidays, but the idea of buying an RC plane to fly around the meadow came to me over Thanksgiving weekend while wishing I had the RV over there on Friday and Saturday.

I went to the hobby shop this evening and think the $90 Champ is a good start. Not too expensive to fix if I auger in, but a good trainer. I killed a good hour flying the RC simulator, which proved that flying an RC plane is pretty **** hard!
Sounds good! If that Champ turns out to be underpowered, I may have the solution;)
