Looking for an instructor to show/teach me some gentlemen's aerobatics in my (to me) RV-7A. Any suggestions for Denver, Colo. Springs, Pueblo or (ideally) here in Leadville, Buena Vista, Salida area?? Thanks, Mark
None better...

I second that. Dagmar instructs at Metropolitan State University in Denver. Her aerobatic students have been participating in IAC competition for many years and have done quite well. Here's her email.

[email protected]
[email protected]

IAC President, Robert Armstrong presenting the Frank Price Cup award to Dagmar, 2018
Thanks for input. I have called Dagmar and emailed her... no response. Kind of rude but evidently she is not interested and/or too busy. Not happy.

How about this: is there an RV owner in Central Colorado who will go up with me and just show me some simple aerobatics (loops/rolls)? Anybody in Denver want to fly out to KAEJ (30nm south of Leadville) for a visit? Buena Vista is seriously nice this time of year!! Or I can fly to your airport..either works!