
Well Known Member
All, I am going to install a counter-weighted c/s prop on my IO-360 powered (with inverted oil) RV-7 as I intend to do enough vertical and inverted aerobatics that it is the thing to do. Looks like my choices are the Hartzell metal or the MTV-15B-C/C 183-50. The WW 200C would be a choice, but it is 77" whereas most RV props are 72" or 74". I have experience with the Hartzell on a different airframe and like it, but it is heavy and not so smooth with some rpm restrictions. The MT is lighter, smoother and has no rpm restrictions. I would like to install the MT, but it seems like most MT props are the slowest of the bunch cruise-wise. There is some guidance in the archives regarding 3 bladed MT's but none that I can find on the 2 bladed version. I am building the RV-7 for a dual role, and I would like the cruise speed to be fast. Anybody out there with some experience that can help me with this decision? Thanks for your input.

I didn't find the extra diameter of the WW200C to be a problem at all on my RV-8. In fact for aerobatics it is a superb prop... fantastic acceleration and deceleration in the speed range you need it. I tested the 200C and other props and you can read about it here...
I'm using the 2 blade aerobatic (counterweighted) MT prop. I'm very satisfied so far. It's on a 7 with an AEIO-360 B1B and meets or slightly exceeds Van's cruise specs. I've never seen or heard of anyone else using this prop but most of the reports I've read seem to indicate the 3 blade is somewhat slower.

Neil McLeod
Yes, data is needed on the two blade MT

There are (so far) four of these props (MTV-15-B) installed on RV's here, two on 7A's and one on an 8A. None of these machines are flying with wheel pants yet, but my friend's RV7A flies just below Van's book speeds with no gear leg fairings and wheel pants installed.

There has been no comparative testing that I know of comparing the MTV-15B prop to the Hartzell BA, the WW or any other prop out there. All testing I know of has been done on the MT 3 blade, which is definitely a slower prop than the others tested...most 3 blades on a 4 cyl Lyc don't have a speed advantage, generally they only have better eye appeal and higher maintenance costs.

I am a couple of days away from being done painting and hope to be able to post some numbers here relative to my own prop installation. I have not yet flown mine with gear leg fairings and wheel pants.
Aerobatics?? Go for three


If you are really into aerobatics, don’t forget Whirl Wind also offers a three blade option. N21TX This 151 is a nice prop. Yes, it is more expensive, but there are a couple more advantages to three blades that others my have neglected to list like:

Better acceleration
Better fine pitch braking
Better ground clearance
Smoother Operation
Slower tip speed

If the 151 suffers any cruise speed penalty, it certainly is insignificant and not worth losing the above advantages over. I cruise at 210mph at FL 115, MP 19.8, 2500RPM.
Aerobatic Prop

You might condider an AVIA Prop.

I had the the Avia 503AP installed on my O-320 RV-6A and it was a wonderful aerobatic prop.

I have no info on the new design Experiemental AVIA IO-360 prop but the Zlin certified aerobatic aricraft sport a version of the 503 prop I installed on my RV-6A.
Thank you all for your responses. It will be six months or so until I'm ready to order a prop, but I think I'll go with the MT that Neil McLeod has on his seven. I believe it's the lightest counter-weighted prop, and in his experience it doesn't compromise cruise speed. Anyone have any experience with the PCU5000 prop control? Or should I just stick with the MT?
That was basically my thought process. I'm using the MT P-884-4 governor. I do have a problem with it not giving 2700 rpm on take off when it's warmed up. The first take off will get 2700 but once warmed up it will only get up to 2620. I've heard there's a fix but the RV performs so well as it is I haven't felt like taking it off and sending in yet. It performs fine in flight doing acro and all, I pretty much set it at 2450 and leave it there.
