
Well Known Member
I want to inform my RV friends about things I learned and reinforced today. I'm flying a Pitts S-2 now but my previous airplane was an RV-8 and I did many of the same aerobatic maneuvers in that airplane.

While executing a tailslide today (don't do tail slides in your RV), I got slapped in the face by the buckle of my left shoulder harness. First reaction? I was cussing myself for not properly attaching my harness. Once straight and level though, I could clearly see that the lower buckle of my 7 point hooker had come loose. What! I have a very clear recollection of attaching and properly closing the latch before the flight. So, here's what I think happened.
I think the wrist strap of my GoPro remote, on my right wrist, caught the latch during an up and left stick movement and that opened the catch.
Thanks to my dual connection harness, I did not leave my seat, and possibly the airplane, during the -3g recovery. And, as I use the lower (the one that came loose), non-racheting connection for the chest and crotch straps, I was still firmly in the seat the whole time.
Going forward, I will not wear anything on either wrist. And, I'd like to emphasize the importance of a dual connection lap belt system, especially if you intend to perform any negative g maneuvers.