
Well Known Member
Does anyone have the longitudinal dimension of these covers? I'm at hangar putting in cowl hinges, and based on aero sport installation instructions, it looks like the foreward part of the cowl hinge will need to be trimmed further back from what the standard hinge length is - ie shorter than the 39 inches from the firewall...


Does anyone have the longitudinal dimension of these covers? I'm at hangar putting in cowl hinges, and based on aero sport installation instructions, it looks like the foreward part of the cowl hinge will need to be trimmed further back from what the standard hinge length is - ie shorter than the 39 inches from the firewall...



You understand correctly.

I have yet to order them, but wouldn't mind finishing the cowl hinges


I have yet to order them, but wouldn't mind finishing the cowl hinges


I wrote the instructions and confirmed your assumptions. What else are you looking for? You will need to follow the instructions and make the measurements. Once you do that, it should be obvious the length you need to make the hinges. Exact dimensions are hard to provide, since there are small variances between the different cowls and builder variances.

If there is something in the instructions that isn't clear, send me an email and I'll do what it takes to make them clear.

sorry bob, didn't mean to annoy.

for clarification, I DO NOT have the covers in hand. The installation instructions DO NOT answer my question. I know where the cover cutouts start (fore) - 2 inches behind cowl on left, 1.35 on right, that is not the issue.

But, I don't know the longitudinal length (long axis length) of the covers to know where the most aft part of the cutout extends. Thus, don't know how far back the hinge itself should be cut out - it's obvious it's less than the standard 39 inches, but i don't know HOW far back without the covers in hand.

Just thought somebody might have that measurement. Won't be an issue when i get the covers, but i had hoped to install the hinge, then order the covers with a larger aerspsort order in the future.

If anybody has the long axis dimension, let me know - if not, I'll order the covers earlier than I had planned and proceed.
I don't have the dimensions handy. I'll try to remember to measure when go to the hangar tomorrow. I'm heading out of town, so it may be a few days before I can reply.

You really don't want the hinge length from another cowl. They will vary from one build to another. You need to measure from forward towards the aft. There are too many variationsin how the cowl is hung.

You might try giving Geoff @ Aerosport a call. He can provide you that re information as well. I don't work for Geoff, but I have assisted him on several projects. He used my RV-10 to make several of his molds.

It doesn't really make a difference. You can cut the hinges later. The cowl hinges are an easy retrofit. That's what I did on my cowl.
thanks bob,

yes, I have the "forward" starting point measured on my cowl, so i know where the start of the cutout begins, cutomized to my cowl. If the pin cover was, for example, 2 inches in long dimension, i would know where the aft cutout ends, and know where to cut the forward aspect of my hinges.

I'm on a roll with the cowl and didn't want to lose momentum! I've had more issues with the cowl fitting than any part of the project so far, so would be a milestone to completely finish it!

2.375"x1.375. My cowl is not here with me , but the plates were I don't remember how much I shortened the hinges....
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Pin holder

I used the Aerosport pin covers, but I glassed in a piece of aluminum to the inside of the top cowl, put a small hole in it, then put a 90 degree bend in the last 1/2" of the cowl pin. When fully inserted, the bent end of the cowl pin drops into the hole and is then covered by the pin cover. I also put a slight bend in the last inch or two of the cowl pin to force the 90 degree pin bend into the hole - even if the pin cover comes off it's not going anywhere soon. Sorry I don't have any pictures but I could get some if you like. I really like the setup.
Yea you can make them yourself but for $95.00 you can have some that look much better. I do not think these can be made as quickly as Rick says.
Ours come with an extra set of template planks that are a little over sized that compensates for the paint and you can sand on them and get things fit just right. Also mine fit the contour of the cowl and have your type of aircraft RV-10 or RV-7a.

Aerosport Products
Yea you can make them yourself but for $95.00 you can have some that look much better. I do not think these can be made as quickly as Rick says.
Ours come with an extra set of template planks that are a little over sized that compensates for the paint and you can sand on them and get things fit just right. Also mine fit the contour of the cowl and have your type of aircraft RV-10 or RV-7a.

Aerosport Products

If only they said 8A on them. Now that would be cool.:D
I wrote the instructions and confirmed your assumptions. What else are you looking for? You will need to follow the instructions and make the measurements. Once you do that, it should be obvious the length you need to make the hinges. Exact dimensions are hard to provide, since there are small variances between the different cowls and builder variances.

If there is something in the instructions that isn't clear, send me an email and I'll do what it takes to make them clear.


I just got mine today. Where are these instructions located? I don’t see them on the website and they were not in the package.
