
Active Member
I tried installing the wing tip lights yesterday and ran into difficulties fitting both the nav/strobe and the landing light into the same space in the new style -8 wing tip.


1) Any suggestions on how to arrange the lights so they fit or do I need a different landing light?


2) Seems like the slant of the landing light direction is far divergent from the center line. Am I missing something?


I used the Microsun's in both my wingtips and I customized the angle, one wingtip light is slightly pointing down to help with ground taxiing and the other points a little up or level to help with landing atitude. I haven't flown at night, but they seemed to work good at the hangar at night.



Strike - those look like 1600s - yes? If so, I'm pretty sure those are designed to be leading edge install. Not saying it couldn't work, just may need to do a lot of rearranging.
Yes, those are 1600s. I miscalculated the available space. I hadn't found many examples of the lighting with the new -8 wing tip. Thanks John for the pics. You have given me some ideas. Now to sell those 1600s and recoop some investment ...
Throw them up on the site while you scratch your head on this never know, there are a bunch of people who are already cutting and planning leading edge installations.

Those AeroLEd lights you have are nice! Someone will want them!
Aero LED

The only way to make the 1600's fit is to make a pocket in the tip to accept them. Even then they will be partially blocked by the position lights. In this installation I recommend using the 800's which are halt the size and can be fit under the plexy lense...