
Well Known Member
Anyone else experienced their Aera or any other portable GPS wigging out while performing steep 2G+ turns?

Mine did this twice last evening. When it wigs out it starts yelling decent rate, decent rate even when there is no vertical speed changes going on. It also once reported 500ft even though I was 4000ft AGL...

It recovered just fine on its own after I went wings level for a few seconds.
Response from Garmin:

"Mr. Chesteen
Thank you for contacting Garmin International,
The newer units (Aera and 696) use a different GPS design than the 496 family.* The main difference is that the Aera sacrifices dynamics for sensitivity.* This allows the unit to acquire satellites fairly quickly.* The newer, high sensitivity GPS units tend to drop signal during turns of 2 G?s or more.* For the best performance, not just in level flight but in high performance turns, the GPS antenna should have a full view of the sky in order to maintain an accurate GPS fix.
Patrick C
Aviation Product Support Specialist"
I have a 495 and two days ago while I was rolling I heard on my head set a warning "no gps coverage" first time I hear it.
My Aera and 696 do aquire GPS much quicker than my 496. The Aera/696 will also get a signal in my house. I usually have to take my 496 outside in order to get a lock.

I wonder if using an external GPS antenna would help?
My 496 doesn't wimp out, but... my Ag airplane, during 60 deg banked turns, I sometimes lose differential correction and GPS on my Satloc swath guidance system. Fortunately, it recovers quickly, with both antennae on my dash.

I'm sitting here in my home office with the 696 on my computer desk. It's picking up 11 satellites. I'm now throwing it side to side viciously, while trying not to drop it. It hasn't lost reception yet...........stay tuned..

L.Adamson --- RV6A
I doubt you can recreate the dynamics of a 2+G steep turn that an RV7 can while holding your unit on your desk. Unless your desk in onboard a high performance airplane :p....

I will have to try and recreate the issue with an external antenna attached, currently I only use the internal antenna. I did not think about looking at the GPS status page while executing these turns so the GPS might have been losing a few sats. Garmin sez they changed the balance of sensitivity vs dynamics so that must be the problem.
I've seen this while being inverted for about 3 or more seconds. Never while in a normal turn though. I recently did a river run below the valley walls with constant 3G turns and it did not complain. Check the antenna location?