
Well Known Member

Those of you with an Aera 660 connected to your WiFi probably already know that V3.00 came out yesterday.

Most importantly, V3.00 provides support for the new GDL 51/51R/52/52R ADS-B and SXM receivers announced this week. These units provide the much requested SXM weather/music solution for the Aera 660.

Additionally, it addresses one of the common requests for the Aera 660 to provide the same data fields (up to 8) on the charts page already provided on the map page. Here is a screenshot showing this new capability.


Some additional Oshkosh news. The current street price of the Aera 660 is $749. If you purchase an Aera 660 at Oshkosh and come visit us with the receipt, we will provide a mail-in rebate form that allows you to get an additional $50 off your purchase. An Aera 660 for ~$699 (with rebate) should be hard to resist.

We hope to see many of you there.

OK, this has just killed my internal debate between 660 and 796. When it's time for my 396 to go, the 660 will be its replacement.
Question: Can I transfer a flight plan from my IPad with Foreflight to the Aera 660 using bluetooth?
How about the other way around, 660 to Foreflight?

I would buy immediately one if the 660 could import Flightplans from my Navigation-App (easy-VFR) via Bluetoth or Wifi.

Question: Can I transfer a flight plan from my IPad with Foreflight to the Aera 660 using bluetooth?

How about the other way around, 660 to Foreflight?

Thanks again.

Yes to both questions, I do it all the time. Works great. As soon as you connect to the 660 an icon appears at the top of the ForeFlight screen. Touch the icon and a choice pops up "Send to Panel" or "Receive from Panel". Or in the set up you can have to do it automatically.
Yes to both questions, I do it all the time. Works great. As soon as you connect to the 660 an icon appears at the top of the ForeFlight screen. Touch the icon and a choice pops up "Send to Panel" or "Receive from Panel". Or in the set up you can have to do it automatically.

Thanks! It works.

First I paired the Ipad and Garmin 660 via Bluetooth.
Then I created a flight plan in Fore flight. Next using the "Send to" function on FF I selected "Panel". My Aera automatically populated the flight plan from FF.

This is a great feature since my Aera 660 typically stays in the plane and the ipad comes home with me.

Thanks for the response.

Now, anyone with experience using SXM want to take a shot at my other question from above?

I've found having a Garmin GTX 345 with the Aera to be an excellent combo. When pushed low underneath clouds on the way to Osh last year I noticed my 345 was not getting a very reliable signal with ground stations. Thunderstorms were in the path a ways off but the WX updates weren't happening.

Is this where SXM will be a good option? Seems to be the case since the signal is from satellites as opposed to ground stations. I'd like to hear from someone about their experiences with SXM to see if this might be right for me.

Thanks again.
Now, anyone with experience using SXM want to take a shot at my other question from above?

I've found having a Garmin GTX 345 with the Aera to be an excellent combo. When pushed low underneath clouds on the way to Osh last year I noticed my 345 was not getting a very reliable signal with ground stations. Thunderstorms were in the path a ways off but the WX updates weren't happening.

Is this where SXM will be a good option? Seems to be the case since the signal is from satellites as opposed to ground stations. I'd like to hear from someone about their experiences with SXM to see if this might be right for me.

Thanks again.

Hello Charlie,

I have had the exact same experience as you. As long as I am cruising up high I typically receive ADS-B FIS-B weather data from lots of ground stations (sometimes over 100 nm away), but on a flight under a low ceiling, I was not having much luck getting line-of-sight to ground stations, and was not receiving FIS-B weather at a time when I needed it the most.

I have the GDL 52R installed in my homebuilt now with both types of weather and traffic (and music) delivered to both my Aera 660 and G3X Touch system, and that is an unbeatable combination for cross country traveling under all conditions.

