
Well Known Member
I'm building my wiring harness for the 660 and GDL 39 in the basement. The 39 is set on serial A to the 660 on serial 2, using the Garmin data protocol. The 660 is alive and well, the 39 is connecting via Bluetooth to the iPad running ForeFlight. I can't seem to find any indicator that the 660 and 39 are talking along the serial link though. Currently I'm in the basement, so no traffic/towers are seen. So, is there an indicator or means to confirm on the bench that the two are talking? Thx.
Never mind...

I think I figured it out. In weather, its waiting for NEXRAD, in traffic, it's saying GDL ADS-B operating. That seems to indicate it's communicating and waiting. Correct?
I can't seem to find any indicator that the 660 and 39 are talking along the serial link though.

Hello Rick,

Most of us would consider this great confirmation that the Aera 660 is communicating to the GDL 39. If you unplug the GDL 39, that device information is not there.



I have that screen now. When I powered up the GDL39 against an already powered up 660, I didn't get it during the session. Now that I have them both tied into the same power supply on the bench, and they power up together (vs 660 on batt, 39 on the p/s) I do get that confirmation screen.

Now I can plan a rainy/snowy day install. :)