
Well Known Member
Looking for help. I have an Aera 660 that I have owned for a few years. I had let the database lapse. I have an upcoming trip into complex airspace so I wanted to update the database. I went to Garmin's confusing website, logged in, and purchased a database subscription for the Aera 660 - $149. When I went to install this purchase on my Aera 660 unit - it is not mapped to my "unit ID." I realized this after quite a bit of frustrating searching. I now have the Garmin Aviation Database Manager installed on my computer - but my Aera 660 unit won't highlight "Update/Reinstall."

My hypothesis is that my database purchase never got "linked" to my unit ID. Sensing this, after much searching, I tried to call into Garmin support and was informed "typical wait times are currently one hour." Since I didn't have an hour to sit on the phone waiting, I sent an email to Garmin Support. After two days with no response, I sent in another email to Garmin Support, who informed me a day later "You just need to redeem the database bundle on the website." Hmm... Of course I replied asking for clarification, but as of two days later haven't heard a response from Garmin email support.

As you can tell - frustration is high. From what I can tell there are multiple ways you "redeem your database bundle." I tried running the Aviation Database Manager, as Garmin guides you to do. No bueno, as my device doesn't show an update available. I tried running software update directly from Aero 660 unit, again at the guidance of Garmin. Unit doesn't see any "database update." I tried going to my "Order Details" from my purchase, but there is no "redeem" button. I have now waited over 5 days to get a cogent answer from Garmin email support with no luck.

Anyone here have any advice on how to update their Aera 660 unit after they have purchased their database update?
Looking for help. I have an Aera 660 that I have owned for a few years. I had let the database lapse. I have an upcoming trip into complex airspace so I wanted to update the database. I went to Garmin's confusing website, logged in, and purchased a database subscription for the Aera 660 - $149. When I went to install this purchase on my Aera 660 unit - it is not mapped to my "unit ID." I realized this after quite a bit of frustrating searching. I now have the Garmin Aviation Database Manager installed on my computer - but my Aera 660 unit won't highlight "Update/Reinstall."

My hypothesis is that my database purchase never got "linked" to my unit ID. Sensing this, after much searching, I tried to call into Garmin support and was informed "typical wait times are currently one hour." Since I didn't have an hour to sit on the phone waiting, I sent an email to Garmin Support. After two days with no response, I sent in another email to Garmin Support, who informed me a day later "You just need to redeem the database bundle on the website." Hmm... Of course I replied asking for clarification, but as of two days later haven't heard a response from Garmin email support.

As you can tell - frustration is high. From what I can tell there are multiple ways you "redeem your database bundle." I tried running the Aviation Database Manager, as Garmin guides you to do. No bueno, as my device doesn't show an update available. I tried running software update directly from Aero 660 unit, again at the guidance of Garmin. Unit doesn't see any "database update." I tried going to my "Order Details" from my purchase, but there is no "redeem" button. I have now waited over 5 days to get a cogent answer from Garmin email support with no luck.

Anyone here have any advice on how to update their Aera 660 unit after they have purchased their database update?

First a couple of questions. When you log into your FlyGarmin account and click on Devices, do you see your Aera 660 listed there under Portable Devices?

If so, when you click on the Aera 660, what do you see?

This example is for my Aera 760, but it should look similar for your Aera 660.

In this example the FlyGarmin page is showing that a database bundle has been purchased for this Aera 760, and there are 11 updates left. Do you see something similar for your Aera 660? Capturing a screenshot of what you are seeing could help.


If there is an additional button on your page waiting for you to press it and answer a question about which database you wish to use, then click that button and answer the question to complete the database purchasing process.

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I don't have any database option from that path. It doesn't recognize that I have a database purchased. That is where I am stuck.


  • Screenshot 2022-10-07 134200.png
    Screenshot 2022-10-07 134200.png
    60.1 KB · Views: 114
I don't have any database option from that path. It doesn't recognize that I have a database purchased. That is where I am stuck.

Thanks for the picture.

When you purchased your databases, did you do it by clicking on the "Buy Databases" button on this page?

Have you checked to verify that the Unit ID shown on this FlyGarmin page agrees with the Unit ID displayed on your Aera 660?

I just purchased the database without going through this page. That is the problem. I now have a charge/purchase that isn't mapped to a device. I am afraid I am stuck until Garmin helps me, unless there is some way to map my purchase to the device. That is the piece I can't find in their tools. Thanks for trying!
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I just purchased the database without going through this page. That is the problem. I now have a charge/purchase that isn't mapped to a device. I am afraid I am stuck until Garmin helps me, unless there is some way to map my purchase to the device. That is the piece I can't find in their tools. Thanks for trying!
You are welcome.

I have been trying to re-create your steps to purchase this Aera 660 Aviation Database Bundle without first selecting your device in FlyGarmin, but have been unable to do so.

Every attempt to purchase an aviation product database anywhere on the Garmin site brings you to FlyGarmin.com where you need to login and either select an existing device or add a new device before you can select and purchase a database.

You say in your first posting that you "logged in, and purchased a database subscription for the Aera 660". Did you log into FlyGarmin.com or the general Garmin.com website? Pretty sure you must have logged into FlyGarmin or you wouldn't have been able to purchase an Aera 660 database bundle.

Did you "Add a Device" immediately before selecting and purchasing the database or did you add this device some time in the distant past?

Did you re-verify that the Unit ID shown on your Aera 660 matches what is shown on the device page in FlyGarmin?

Something is not adding up here. I can't figure out any way to purchase an Aera 660 database without first selecting an already added device.

Even if you just select an empty shopping cart in FlyGarmin and select "Buy Databases" on that page, it just takes you to the Devices page to select a device before selecting/buying the database.

I solved the riddle. I have two Garmin accounts on two different emails. My Aera device is registered to a different account then the one I made the database purchase with!!! I was able to log in with my older account and see the database purchase, and then assign it to my unit's ID.

Moral of the story - make sure you know what account you are logged into before you make a purchase!

Thanks for the help!
VAF does it again

And once again we see the power of VAF to get answers. Even to a third party vendor question you can sometimes get answers because using help from another set of eyes we think thru the process until we see the answer.

Thank you Doug and VAF and the wonderful members of this awesome group!
Agree - Thanks!!

I read this site very often and participate when I can. It isn't often I can add value, but promise to do so if I feel I can.

Thanks for all the help on, what was to me, a very frustrating experience. I knew I would get helpful assistance here.

Happy member!!