
Active Member
Hi all,

Today I received a really good deal on a "0Km" lycoming AEIO 360 M1B. I would like to know if there are any restriction on using this engine on a RV9A other then power rating. It will fit in a dynafocal engine type and as well as cowln fitting?

Is there any issue a should take particular care? As fas as i know, this engine is stocked for about 15 months since left the factory and its still in original crate.

I still dind't see it, but I will check it on next week, so i would like to have a "checklist" to be aware of.

Any opinions will be appreciate.


Henrique Castro
AEIO/IO-360-M1B is a horizontal sump engine. Can you put that in an RV-9? If you can fine, if not it would require a sump and intake pipe change to get to a vertical sump set up.
Good Luck,
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