
Well Known Member
Hi all. I am a student pilot at the present so most of this is all new, please bear with me.

What is a good weather app for an android system phone that is a free sign up? My "smart phone" is an employer issued phone, and while they don't mind personal use apps installed, I cannot charge to install personal use apps on a company phone. So free is what it has to be, for now.

My CFI gave me the app she uses, but try as I might I can't find it for an android. She has an Ipad system.

Sorry for the basic query, but I am technologically challenged, and until recently had no reason to broaden my knowledge base. This learning to fly stuff has changed all that.

Yea.....more stuff to learn and try to retain.

Thanks for any advise.
Thanks all! I will give Avware a try. Again, I am sorry if this is really basic or the wrong section. I did look and nothing really fit for my question. Thanks to those who replied. I need all the help I can get as I am severely behind the curve as to eventually being a safe and competent RV owner. Heck I am behind the curve on just getting the dang airplane (old Cessna 172) off the ground and kinda going in the general direction of my choosing. It's like herding cats. :eek:

But I am working on it.:D

In all fairness, my CFI says I am doing good. We have been flying between storms and the wind is really gusty.


I use Flight Plan GO on our iPad and they have an Android version that is identical. Not only is weather available but also charts. I really like it and their tech support is good too.

Here is the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fltplan.go&hl=en


I also use FltPlan GO and love it. I use the Android version.

Unfortunately, it is not identical to the iPad version - the functionality on the Android version seems to lag behind the iPad version. Weather and traffic, for example, is not yet available on the Android version but they say they will be incorporating that soon.
I also use the Free Android version of FltPlanGo and I get WX/traffic via my Stratux device. I can get WX via my Dynon SkyView, but no traffic. YMMV
