
Well Known Member
I am planning trip into Des Moines Sept 9 and I am looking for advise on an airport/FBO. Does anyone have experience at Des Moines International, Ankeny or other? I have some business in the Ankeny area.

Just looking for some local advice.

Thanks for the help.
Had a good experience in Ankeny, Exec FBO gave us a newer courtesy car for much of a day to visit friends in the city, free parking, and let my wife hang out in the lounge right til closing while I got in some night pattern work. Can’t speak to anything since 2019 though.

We stopped for an overnight at Ankeny on the way to Oshkosh in July. Easy access, lots of runway options, Exec 1 took care of the plane overnight. They also gave us a ride to the hotel area (mile or so away) and picked us up the next morning.

If you have business close by, I would highly suggest KIKV and Exec 1.

Hey Dean,

I hangar in KIKV. Couldn’t be happier with the fellas at Exec One and the airport facilities. There’s a few of us RV’ers here.

Sent you a PM with my contact info if you wanna chat offline.


Though it has been awhile, I used to fly in to Ankeny and always had a good experience.

I have also flown into KDSM. Also a good experience. If you have business in Ankeny, I'd go there...

I hangar at Ankeny and belong to flying club at Des Moines. Either is a good choice…as others have suggested where in the area you intend to visit would drive my decision. North - Ankeny, South Des Moines.

Several RVs based at Ankeny…bit more of a small airport feel with services.

FBOs…I found all to offer great service
Elliot might be a bit less expensive
Signature is next to the commercial terminal if you need access
Exec 1

Thanks everyone. I believe I'll fly into Ankeny.

Fox3twoship...I'll call you before I go for "local" advise.

Thanks again.