
Active Member
OK, so I am not too proud to fish for all the help I can get. I am planning the installation of a GRT Sport EX in my steam gage RV-6 that I did not build. I have an overlay plate from Up North Aviation. Plan to remove 4 of the 6-pack leaving the turn and bank and the airspeed. Need to cut out the middle of these four holes, install some kind of nut-plates and try to paint the overlay to match the existing panel. I only plan to connect power and a serial out to the autopilot at first along with the pitot and static. If I can get all this to work then I plan to try to connect up my Flight Box ADSB receiver with a serial output. I can then remove all of the vacuum system and install a plate over the vacuum pump drive. I've done a few things to my RV-6 since I bought it, but this will be the most ambitious project yet. If anyone has done a similar retrofit and would like to throw me any experience it would be welcome. Thanks.
Sam, fly down here to X35 for a few days and do it here with me looking over your shoulder to offer advice. I have all of the wiring and hardware supplies you will need as well as an easy way to match the color with a local auto paint store.
I would take Jesse up on that. A few bucks out of your pocket to have him looking over your shoulder is going to save you in the long run. Plus having the right tool for the job is absolutely required when doing avionics. Price out just a set of DMC crimpers alone and I think you'll see what I mean.
Second that - if you're close and Jesse is offering to help, it's hard to go wrong with that route.
That sounds like a great offer! Still waiting on delivery of the unit for now. Maybe I could get the prop balanced at the same time?