
Well Known Member
I'm a new builder (bought a 6A project). I emailed Van's support and 5 days later have not received an acknowledgment or reply. I'm probably not engaging them the right way?
Any advice or tip?

I suggest you call them. I've called them more than 12 times and I have always found them to be incredibly helpful and knowledgable.

I've emailed a few times as a follow up, with photos or drawings of what we discussed, and the response has been hit or miss.

I'm sure they are overwhelmed with 2 or 3 people handling all the builder support.

I've never had to hold more than 5-10 minutes waiting for my call to be answered.
Firstly they are very busy, and if your query needs specialist feedback it could be that the person required is busy or on leave.

You need to put your builder number in the email and also the plan number and coordinates of the area you’re referring too. For example drawing number 6, area D4.

Other than that I have found them to be excellent, and usually go well beyond normal levels of customer service to be helpful!