
Active Member
Hi all,

Me and my little family recently immigrated to the USA from South Africa. I have my RV-7 that's in a shipping container and on the way here as well. Just couldn't leave my mistress behind!

Anyhow, I have about 50 hours on my RV and in South Africa all the boxes were ticked i.t.o. airworthiness etc. However, I now need to get her certified again in the States and I need some advice. I have the following questions:
  1. What would the process / steps be to get my plane certified and ready to go i.t.o. FAA regulations?
  2. Who completes the Major portion checklist? Me or the inspector? Any other forms I need to complete?
  3. I bought a partially built kit in 2012 from a gentlemen in Little Rock but unfortunately never got any build log from him. I do have a heck of a lot of build pictures from him as well as Purchase orders though. Would that suffice to prove his portion?
  4. Who inspects my plane? The FAA?
  5. Where can I get in touch with the relevant office?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

Regards, Martin

I would call AOPA. The RV 10 that is their sweepstake plane this year came from Canada.
They recent went through the process of bringing it in and obtaining a U.S. registration.
I am in the process of buy a RV-4 in Canada. What I have found out so far: First step is to cancel SA registration and apply for U.S. Registration.
The U.S. certification process is just as if the aircraft were a new build here. That should be no problem if you built the aircraft. You just need to be able to show evidence of amateur-built status. YOU complete the major portion checklist.
Your phase I flight testing may be subject to how much testing you can prove that has been done.
I don't see anything that should cause a problem.

Welcome to Seattle. I was just flying in So. Africa in July. Was your RV at Lanseria? The folks who hosted me there are considering immigration to US. Your story would be most interesting.
Welcome to Seattle. I was just flying in So. Africa in July. Was your RV at Lanseria? The folks who hosted me there are considering immigration to US. Your story would be most interesting.

Hi Steve, Thanks! I was based at Stellenbosch. Not sure if you got down to Cape Town...? Would love to connect! Send me a pm with your number pls.