Well Known Member
I'm excited as all heck to be attending the RV Construction SportAir Workshop held at the Sun'n'Fun campus (KLAL) this weekend. I know that you many of you have attended SportAir workshops prior to your build(s) and I'm looking for any advice or words of wisdom you might have. It says that they provide everything (except meals), but I'm thinking that I should bring my saftey glasses and some earplugs. I'm usually not a betting man, but at 25, I'm thinking that I'll be the youngest one there. Any takers? :)
I'm excited as all heck to be attending the RV Construction SportAir Workshop held at the Sun'n'Fun campus (KLAL) this weekend. I know that you many of you have attended SportAir workshops prior to your build(s) and I'm looking for any advice or words of wisdom you might have. It says that they provide everything (except meals), but I'm thinking that I should bring my saftey glasses and some earplugs. I'm usually not a betting man, but at 25, I'm thinking that I'll be the youngest one there. Any takers? :)

No need to bring glasses or earplugs (unless you really want to) they'll provide those for you too. I did the one in Corona when I lived in Cali. We're sort of neighbors now (I'm just north of orlando).

I did the general metalworking class and we built a miniature control surface. You will have a blast and your confidence level will soar after doing the class. Read instructions carefully (as with the real thing) and don't fret too much about the little mistakes you make, even the mistakes are invaluable learning experiences.

I think you're right about being the youngest. At 41 when I took mine I was in the lower 10% agewise in my class.
Well Ryan, if you had been at the SportAir workshop I went to, you wouldn't have been the youngest - I was 23 when I took the class. I'm now 26 and have been flying my RV-7A for over a year now. Have fun at the workshop and good luck with your project.

RV-7A N653S
236 hours - Socal

They have a few makes and models of the same tools. Try them all so you can see which you prefer. eg. You may like one tools handles better than anothers.

Have fun. I did.

I'll bet you $500, and I'll go, to make sure I win. ;) I'm not attending this one, rather the next one they have at KLAL. Have fun, and take pictures!

Try out tools. Will do.
Take pictures. Will do.
Drill finger. Err, I'm not ready for that yet.:D
THe point about trying different tools is a good one. As you would expect from EAA, the class is very complete and well designed to teach you all the basics you need, but the opportunity to try a range of tools ...across a range of prices ...is invaluable. At the SA Workshop I attended in OSH 2 years ago, I tried cheap air drills compared to a Sioux and a small MacTools; tried many different deburring tools, including the Burraway. Liked the latter so much I bought one, and am very happy I did .. it's irreplaceable at times.
FYI ... You would not have been the youngest in my class, as there were two father-son teams.