
Well Known Member
Two years of exploring America the beautiful in our little, humble, but at the same time mighty RV4. There are planes better for aerobatics, some faster, some more comfy for XC, some more economical (although not many!), but none will do ALL of these things as well as the RVs! Becoming a pilot and buying an RV was one of the most fulfilling things I've done in my life. Looking forward to many more years of enjoyment. ;)

Beautifully done.....including the music!

Looks like you two are living the American Dream!

Seattle area
Thanks guys. It was fun making it. And even funner getting to fly to all these great places.

Yes, that was the Grand Canyon. And in case you're wondering, 2:20 was Ensenada, Mexico - it was interesting to fly out of the country for the first time. But to be honest, I wasn't too impressed. There's so much more beauty right here in California. And the rest of the country. =)
beautiful video and America

Agree with you 100 percent with your first post in this thread. The RVs are great machines and make life special and fun too. Look forward to more videos. Nice looking airplane also.

Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
BTW, we always use ear-muffs for our dog. This is the only time we did not because Misa wanted her to take a good photo. ;) It was just a short 15 minute flight to Catalina. We have never and probably will never take her on a long XC trip, even with ear muffs - Misa is too concerned about her comfort.

Boyd, I totally agree. At first she was against me owning a plane, but after the first trip, she was totally on-board. And on her first night-flight, she must have said "wow" three times! So yes, we're very lucky who have wives who are into this. :)
My compliments on a nice video.

Looks like you are doing some great traveling, and btw, sharp-looking RV-4.

Glad to hear you are protecting your dog's hearing. Their ears are so much more sensitive than ours, I always cringe at the poor dogs being set up to be deaf with hearing damage due to airplane noise.