
Well Known Member
Rumor at my airport they are not making any more products but will continue software support.?
I was a member of their software beta test team. They have a lot of good software products in the works for IOS and Android platforms.

If you’re referencing the 740 line of hand held GPS hardware products, then you are correct. That product line is at end of life.
Correct for the 700,720 and 740b iFly GPS units, but the support software and data for those continue, just not the purchase of new equipment. This is a good opportunity for all those who use the serial out on those units ( quite a unique feature) to go into their Forum and post a request under "NEW FEATURES" need iFly EFB to support NMEA or other output form of interface

This feature found on the older 7XX GPS units allow you to output NMEA directly to your autopilot or other device driving the track mode or WP map. It loads VFR only RNAV approach data if you subscribe to IFR. Or loads to the EFIS map if you have your GRT EFIS receiving flight planning data from the iFly GPS. Its is a serial output from the USB port.

You won't find this feature anywhere else on a tablet or ipad fight planner (unless your panel is all "G" equipment) .

Their current reason for not including on tablet and ipad flight planner is that the market doesn't support the programing efforts. I'm not sure how many out there use this feature but time will expire on this 7xx support feature.
MIke, Im not sure what a v385 is but if you are depending on the USB plug in the bottom of that 740 to drive it , almost certain you do not have that feature on the iFly EFB. Sure way to check is find someone with a ipad or tablet with the EFB app loaded and see if you can still get the results you need.

In my case it is the NMEA GPS output which drives my Trio, currently is provided from the USB plugged in at the bottom.
Mike if you get a chance to look at the iFly EFB, go into the settings and look for NMEA output. You will find a method to do that by sending wifi from the 740 to a iLevil product called 3AW or 3SW. the wireless signal is received and then you have two wires to hard wire that to your autopilot. Catch is that box cost $1400. The other catch is that if you are already using your wifi for getting traffic and wx then you out of luck .

Some say that Bluetooth may be another method to get that signal but you would need a BT device on the other end to receive and then again convert over to a two wire RS232 signal.

What you don't have on the EFB version is a serial connection.

One last note. My 740 is already connected to my autopilot and drives it just fine but no vertical guidance. Thanks again Just wanted to make sure i wasn’t losing what i have.
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There is a big push on their new forum to enable NMEA out via serial on a user provided device. It is the top requested feature to add. Feel free to visit and upvote it.


Adventure Pilot is a small group out of TX that has a very good product. It's VFR and the price reflects that. Both in the subscription and the the products they previously sold. Their newer product is the IFly EFB and is a great flight planner for iPad or tablet. Not having the greater market coverage like Foreflight and G Pilot and others, business wise they have to define the way they must go. They do that by the Pilot feedback you can get to at the above link.
So if you use their product and would like to see some new features , give them a "vote back in the iFly forum. They do listen to what you say.
IFLY EFB is outstanding

I have used their products, both hardware and software almost since their inception. I found the hardware reliable but preferred the ipad for their software. I find their EFB preferable to Foreflight or Garmin Pilot.