
Well Known Member
I flew over to Redmond on Friday to see RDD's RV-10 with de Ice and speed brakes.

We had a 60+ Knot tail wind :) This picture was taken just before we got a firsthand lesson in mountain turbulence as we descended through 8,000ft into Redmond on the back side of the Cascades.

...and the problem with a 60 knot tail wind
A 60 knot head wind on the way home.

It is a really nice feeling to have an Instrument rating when the sun starts to set and the Willamette valley fills with clouds. It was clear two hours earlier when we left for Redmond.

Rob Hickman
N402RH RV-10
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AF-4500 ILS into KMMV

On Saturday we took these pictures as we flew the RWY 22 ILS into KMMV. All three EFIS screens in my RV-10 have the new CPU with Synthetic Vision.

We took off from Independence and engauged the AFS-Pilot Autopilot at 100ft and did not touch the controls until after we were missed at KMMV. :)

In this picture we are headed to RAWER the IAF, the AP is following the 430W and the EFIS altitude bug. Notice our new style plane flying on the approach plate.

We have made the turn and are headed for OZIER, the AP is still following the 430W GPS and altitude bug. This approach starts with a GPS flight plan and ends with a ILS into RWY 22.

How cool is that ? your airplane on the approach plate!! :)

In this picture the 430W, EFIS, and AP have switched from the GPS to the ILS nav signal. I did not touch any buttons on the EFIS, AP, or 430W, it was all automatic requiring zero pilot workload. The only thing that I had to do on the approach was set the EFIS altitude bug for each step down on the plate.

Our flight path marker is right on the SV runway :) and we have set the Minimums Bug to our DH.

As the plane gets to the Minimums Bug the AP vertical control switches from the glide slope to hold at the DH and continues to follow the LOC. I still have not touched the the controls and we did not crash into the end of the runway. At this point I pressed the Suspend and VLOC button on the 430W and the AP flew the missed from the 430W and the AP vertical control switched back to the EFIS altitude bug.

See the Oregon Coast range on the EFIS SV? If the GTX330 had picked up any traffic they would have been shown on the approach plate.

We have shipped around 50 systems with the new CPU and SV and more are shipping every week.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
N402RH RV-10 N401RH RV-4
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Rob - that is truly impressive. To think of how far things have come in the 9 years since I put in my panel...
Looks really nice Rob - that's the first time I've seen progressive pictures of an approach on geo-referenced plates in an experimental GA EFIS - looks like you've done a nice job!

Great Stuff

Again, Rob, great stuff!!! I can't wait to get the stuff mounted in my plane.

Is the RV on the approach plate going to be standard?
Again, Rob, great stuff!!! I can't wait to get the stuff mounted in my plane.

Is the RV on the approach plate going to be standard?

Yes, all of systems ship with the software for the approach plates.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.


I can't wait to get the call so I can upgrade my units to advanced deck.

Not even the Collins PROLine 21 or Honeywell Primus avionics suites will enguage the Alt. Hold on the autopilot once reaching the DA/DH. The radar altimeter chimes at you, which is handy, but they will not LEVEL OFF at the DA/DH like the AFS units will. As simple of a features as that is, it reduces workload and can help prevent decending below the DA/DH on those turbulent nights when its raining cats and dogs and your trying to get in for the night.

Once again Rob and the AFS team come through for us by being the first to bring the most advanced technology to the Experimental market at reasonable prices.

Looking forward to putting 2 AFS screens in my RV-7A when it is finished! Maybe the autoland feature will be finished by then... :D
Nice pics and descriptions. I am deciding soon on what I will put in my panel and I can't see any reason not to go with AFS. The displays and logic seem to maximize situational awareness to the point equalling the 777 I fly. Actually surpasses in some areas since our EFBs don't have the aircraft position displayed on the approach plates except for the taxi chart and no SV.

Nicely thought out and executed.
Ever thought of a profile view with aircraft position on it? I just started looking into this so maybe you have it already.

Approach Plates on smaller Screen


Wonderful capability.

I have an RV-8, and am planning to upgrade my current 6 pack IFR panel. Unfortunately, as you know, panel space is very limited.

Are the approach plates viewable/readable on the 3400 (3500/3400 combo), or even on a split view on the 4500?

Absolutely beautiful Rob. I feel confident that I won't be disappointed when I get my 4500 screens from you. IMHO well worth the wait!
AFS 4500


My two 4500's arrived last week, thank you. Im looking forward to flying the 10 hopefully around March. My question is about training. The systems are fantastic but I can already tell most of my time will be spent learning how to drive all the new avionics. Do you have any training DVD's for the system.

Thanks for the pictures of your product. Looks really Good. I really like the icon and position display on the approach plates. How will or do you keep the plactes current? I'm nearing the final stages of my dash selection for my RV10 and I'm installing a few upgrades including FLIR.

Could I use 1/4 of the display of the MFD for FLIR or will it take 1/2 display? And if so, can the 1/2 screen be vertical display?
You mentioned the headwind, but I couldn't tell from the pictures your ground speed or where the location is on your display.
You also mentioned the Alt bug for step down for the ILS approach. Was this step down altitudes between fixes and before GS was captured? As I'm thinking why didn't the autopilot capture the Glide Slope (430W) or did I miss something?
Also, on the first screen shot you have a course (Megenta line) drawn, you mentioned your auto pilot, but your position and heading is left off course? Thanks and I hope to learn more about your product before I make a purchase for my RV10.
Kenny Gene
294TC RV7a (477 hrs;2yrs 2mos)
Training DVD's


My two 4500's arrived last week, thank you. Im looking forward to flying the 10 hopefully around March. My question is about training. The systems are fantastic but I can already tell most of my time will be spent learning how to drive all the new avionics. Do you have any training DVD's for the system.


I agree that a training video would be awesome to learn more about the unit and I would be willing to pay for something like this.
Ron...You just made a believer out of me...I was fix-in (that's Texas talk) to go a different direction. Does you AP do vertical on both GPS WAAS and ILS if you have the WAAS 430.

I suppose what I am asking is....I just sold my certified plane with a 55x and alt pre-select and was wondering if your AP will do all the same things ...less perhaps the pre-select ?????
"You mentioned the headwind, but I couldn't tell from the pictures your ground speed or where the location is on your display"

I added red arrows on the picture

"Could I use 1/4 of the display of the MFD for FLIR or will it take 1/2 display? And if so, can the 1/2 screen be vertical display?"
We are working on the external video input.

"You also mentioned the Alt bug for step down for the ILS approach. Was this step down altitudes between fixes and before GS was captured?"
Yes, see approach plate.

"As I'm thinking why didn't the autopilot capture the Glide Slope (430W) or did I miss something?"
It did capture it, there are step downs before the glide slope capture.

"Also, on the first screen shot you have a course (Megenta line) drawn, you mentioned your auto pilot, but your position and heading is left off course? "

The first post was from the day before and I was flying it, not the AP.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.

Wonderful capability.

I have an RV-8, and am planning to upgrade my current 6 pack IFR panel. Unfortunately, as you know, panel space is very limited.

Are the approach plates viewable/readable on the 3400 (3500/3400 combo), or even on a split view on the 4500?


The plates are very readable on the 3400, we are working on a split screen view for them.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
Approach plate updates


Thanks for your reply to my questions as well as all the other posts questions. Regarding updates to the approach plates, will this be something available for downloads like I'm reading for the Kindle DX at little or no cost, or a small fee to keep approach plates current.

Thanks again and your product really looks very functionable.

Kenny Gene
294TC RV 7a-flying
394TC RV10-building/finishing
... Regarding updates to the approach plates, will this be something available for downloads like I'm reading for the Kindle DX at little or no cost, or a small fee to keep approach plates current.
Check the AFS web store

They seem to be always running behind in getting each new plate versions and terrain out. I hope they can get that speeded up. Right now their web site says the map data is current but the plates are the Sept 24th thru Oct 22nd version.
Check the AFS web store

They seem to be always running behind in getting each new plate versions and terrain out. I hope they can get that speeded up. Right now their web site says the map data is current but the plates are the Sept 24th thru Oct 22nd version.

The store label is wrong, the approach plates are current. The last few months we have been 2 or 3 days late on the data. We are working on getting the data earlier.

Until we have a new Volcano or California drops into the Pacific you should not have to update the terrain data :)

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
There was mention of possible split screen for the approach plate. I just flew a PC-12/-47E down to Medford and really liked how I could split the approach plate so I had the Plan view on top (zoomed in), and the profile view underneith with my stepdowns. It further reduces workload by being able to see everything that is important without having to button push. This would be a great feature in the AFS units.
Is your terrain data just terrain or terrain and obstructions?

The obstruction data is in the map data file that is updated every 28 days.

Map Database Files

The moving map uses the following database files stored on the SD card, the SD card must be kept in the EFIS for the map to work. :

File Name ---- Description ---- Update Frequency
AFSTERUS.AFM --Terrain height information for the US --When Required
AFSVECUS.AFM --Vector data for US roads/rivers/lakes/cities -- When Required
AFSMAPUS.AFM -- Navigational data (airports, obstacles, navaids, ?) -- Every 28 Days

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
sv-approach plates

if you could split the screens on the 4500 on the approach plates, and have EACH geo referenced--localizer and glideslope--would be fabulous!! larry
Rob does the AP level off at DH. If so is this ILS only? Same for 3500 or only 4500? I have not been able to replicate this. can't wait for my 4500's.
Rob does the AP level off at DH. If so is this ILS only? Same for 3500 or only 4500? I have not been able to replicate this. can't wait for my 4500's.

Currently only the systems with the new CPU and latest software will level off at the DH on a LPV or ILS. We will have this feature for the existing systems in the next software release.