
Active Member
I wanted to share a very positive support experience, simply because I believe good support should be, in turn, supported. I purchased an AFS-5600 a number of years ago, and have had it in the plane for a while waiting for me to finish and get flying. (I'm getting close ... I swear.) Recently I noticed that from time to time the AHRS would not initialize. It would go into a loop of trying to init over and over again. Annoying, and worrying.

I communicated with Rob about this, including sending and getting text messages over weekends. Eventually we decided the first step was to see if the magnetometer might be the culprit (based on some of the behavior) and he sent me a new loaner to check out. No joy. He then suggested that the AHRS could/should be switched out as a next step.

As it turned out I was scheduled to fly to the Portland area to get my transition training from Mike Seager last week (another story about a good experience in its own right) and it was suggested I could just bring the EFIS with me. I managed to fit it into my carry on luggage easily enough, and we were on our way. (I'll note as an aside that not once did the TSA even blink at the large lump of electronics buried in my baggage. I was kinda surprised.)

I met Rob at the AFS offices last Tuesday, and he put the EFIS on the bench. The determination was to swap the AHRS, and he thought that while it was there they might as well tweak a few other things too. I left it with him and by Thursday I got a call saying it was ready.

I could have driven from Vernonia to Canby to pick it up, but Rob offered to meet us at an airport if Mike was game to fly in that direction one day. He was, and we ended up flying into the airpark at Rob's place and having him hand-deliver the unit to me. It was returned with tweaks done, AHRS replaced, and an invoice with zero balance due. Fabulous.

While we were there Rob also showed me the prototype touch-screen AFS unit they are currently flight-testing in the RV-10. Very cool, and very nice. What a tease. I might have to upgrade. *sigh*

Anyway, this is the kind of hands-on, personal, top-flight support that gives someone like myself a warm and fuzzy feeling about a vendor. Particularly when I've given said vendor a large lump of money. I know my story isn't unique, but I wanted to share it as yet-another-data-point illustrating superb service. Thanks to Rob and all the other fine folks at Advanced. The support is very much appreciated.
I've also found Rob to be very customer oriented. We purchased some 4500s from a private owner and naturally I've had a million questions. He's always taken the time to answer my questions as we navigate this panel upgrade.
Last year I installed a new AFS AoA Pro iin my RV-8. Clumsy me - I applied a little too much heat while soldering a lead onto one of the push-button switches that mount in the panel, and the thing came apart. I called AFS and another was on the way within an hour - and I got it the day after that. Outstanding service!

The truth is, we have so many small businesses that support our passion in this niche' market, and with very, very few exceptions, they bend over backwards for their customers - at the business's expense. We are truly fortunate to have folks like these in our corner.

Rob, Jenn, Ken, Jeffrey, & Tricia have provided superb support. Rob was particularly helpful in my upgrade from 430W to 650 and from 4500s to 5600s. Their patience is stellar. Thanks AFS!!! Many thanks!!!
I posted a while back that my AF2500 Hobbs was running backwards. I went back to my archives and found the instructions that Rob sent me 3 years ago. I was able to reset the Hobbs and get everything working properly again. Great units and great support.

Yes, these guys are truly customer oriented, and they make a great product as well! Hard to beat. Being in customer-facing roles my entire life it is really refreshing to deal with a Company that is so customer-focused, especially since this is the "fun" part of my life. :)

No kidding

Folks, you have no idea...where do I start on how good their customer service is?

OK, here's one story. I'm flying some approaches with a friend who is building a -10. During one of the approaches, one of my AFS EFIS reboots. Not ideal, but it fires right back up again, works fine. I have two. I sort of forgot about it but my friend is talking to Rob a few days later and asked him about it. I get an unsolicited email later that day from Ken at AFS asking about what happened and subsequently worked with me to diagnose and remedy the software issue. Beat that!
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