Well Known Member
Looking into ordering an AFS panel for my RV-9A.

I am pondering a few options:

1) Dual 8.4" (AFS-5500)
2) One 10.4" (AFS-5600), and one 8.4" (AFS-5500)
3) One 10.4" (AFS-5600) and n empty right side, suitable for an iPad mounting.

I intend to equip the aircraft for VFR only. I have a reason to continue flying with an iPad in addition to the AFS avionics, despite the fact that it would not really be necessary.

I'd like to hear thoughts on the three options above, or other options that you may wish to bring up.


Option 4...

May I suggest dual AFS 5600 Touch EFIS screens. Yeah, it's serious bucks, but you'll love it. I typically set up the RH screen with the entire screen as a moving map (North up) so as to give me great situational awareness. The LH screen is three way split with the EFIS on the LH side, the MAP on the RH side (track up so I can see what's coming at me...), and the engine data across the bottom.

You can do other things that make your life easier too. For example, I have the OAT displayed on the LH EFIS in Fahrenheit, and the OAT on the RH EFIS in Celsius. That way, I can quickly know what the outside air temperature is in either format. Similar things like "Gallons Used" and "Gallons Remaining" (or NM/GAL) are displayed on both screens so you don't have to play "musical buttons" to see something.

The reason I say going for both screens to be as large as they can be is you'll never say "Gee, I wish this screen wasn't so big and easy to read...".

Just my 2 cents worth.

I have one 5500T installed and the right side is ready for second when I get around to buying it. I fly with an iPad mini in a RAM mount attached to the right side of the instrument panel. For VFR I find this combination works really well, probably why I haven?t ordered the second screen.

I went with the 8.4? screens due primarily to size. For me the 10? screens eat up too much really estate on the panel making it difficult to locate other items.


An image of my panel
May I suggest dual AFS 5600 Touch EFIS screens. Yeah, it's serious bucks, but you'll love it. I typically set up the RH screen with the entire screen as a moving map (North up) so as to give me great situational awareness. The LH screen is three way split with the EFIS on the LH side, the MAP on the RH side (track up so I can see what's coming at me...), and the engine data across the bottom.

Is there room for two comms, autopilot controls, etc if you have dual 5600?s installed? Any photos that someone may have of a 6/7/9 with dual 5600?s would be great.

An additional option would be to keep my Dynon D120 EMS on the right side and install a 5500/5600 on the left. The problem with that is that I fear it would antiquate the look of the panel.
Is there room for two comms, autopilot controls, etc if you have dual 5600?s installed? Any photos that someone may have of a 6/7/9 with dual 5600?s would be great.

An additional option would be to keep my Dynon D120 EMS on the right side and install a 5500/5600 on the left. The problem with that is that I fear it would antiquate the look of the panel.

It?s more than just the look.....

I still have a 3400 on the right side of my RV-10. I have two 5500s in the left. Not having the same functionality has caused some minor annoyances. It?s my plan to upgrade to all 5000 series soon.
We have a single 5600 with an iPad mini and it's an amazing vfr package although you can always spend more money but I can't see the necessity. :D
I still have a 3400 on the right side of my RV-10. I have two 5500s in the left. Not having the same functionality has caused some minor annoyances. It’s my plan to upgrade to all 5000 series soon.[/QUOTE]

Bob, can you elaborate on these annoyances? I’m fixin to pull the trigger on a 5400 and it’s my understanding that my 3500 will play well with the 5400. I’m just waiting for something to go wrong with my 4500.
Bob, can you elaborate on these annoyances? I?m fixin to pull the trigger on a 5400 and it?s my understanding that my 3500 will play well with the 5400. I?m just waiting for something to go wrong with my 4500.

There is no interoperability issues between the various models.

The feature differences between the 2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx, and 5xxx. are still present. For example, you can't display a sectional or IFR low charts on the models previous to the 5xxx line. The features on the older models are basically frozen. There are others, but again, it's personal preferences, not show stoppers.

The menu trees are different as well. I went to fly with a friend that had a 4500, it was like I was starting over again from scratch. I had 4500s, but upgraded to 5500s several years ago. It's amazing how quickly you forget.

Again, there is no issue with data passing back and forth between the models. It's just that any of the new features that are available on the 5xxx series won't be available on the older models.

Not knowing your requirements and limitations, I would highly recommend going to the 5500 over the 5400. The screen size will require some panel rework, but those extra buttons and knobs make your like much easier.
I would definitely go for Dual 5600t screens, all the info you will ever need. I have dual 10.4" screens and plenty of room in the center to stack for whatever you like. Best bet would be to buy a new panel blank and start from scratch.
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Go to the AFS/Dynon site and look at the quick panel examples they have. They have many different configurations shown.
Go to the AFS/Dynon site and look at the quick panel examples they have. They have many different configurations shown.

... of which almost none are labeled with which screens you?re actually looking at.
Another consideration for deciding single or dual screens with the AFS is the number of serial ports.

I currently fly with a single AFS5600T and it works perfectly fine for me flying day/night VFR. I would like to add the ADSB-in using the SV-ADSB-472 box, but because I don't have enough serial ports, I can't add it or anything else without going to dual screens.
I have dual AFS 4500 screens and fly IFR. Left screen has all my navigation and engine monitoring. Right screen is for mapping. Since I cannot get ADS-B In with the 4500 I have an iPad on a Ram mount to the right side of the interior, not on my panel, and really like the set up. The only thing better would be dual 5600?s.
As for size, I would go with the largest you can fit. I have yet to hear anybody complain saying they wished they had smaller screens.
... of which almost none are labeled with which screens you’re actually looking at.

The AF-5600 and AF-5600 EFIS screens are labeled with the model numbers, although it can be hard to read in the pictures. Almost all of the AFS panels use the AF-5600 10.4" EFIS, the only real exception is the 3 EFIS RV-10 panel with a AF-5700 12.1" EFIS in the center.


Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
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The AF-5600 and AF-5600 EFIS screens are labeled with the model numbers, although it can be hard to read in the pictures. Almost all of the AFS panels use the AF-5600 10.4" EFIS, the only real exception is the 3 EFIS RV-10 panel with a AF-5700 12.1" EFIS in the center.

I was just about to pull the trigger on dual 8.4? screens, and now I hear that most panels use the 10.4? screens. Hmm...
I vote 2 5600's too. You'd have plenty of room for dual comms, and I am sure you could find a place for a backup Dynon/Garmin. I plan on putting one on the roll bar forward brace, but you could possibly move the EFIS card slots down on the panel (I have extra switches there and interior lighting controls)

My panel from Rob/AFS. Dual 5600's, Dynon comm and AP controller and the empty spot to be replaced by and Avidyne 540 or 550

I'd say call AFS/Rob they are great to work with.


Since you mentioned the 5XOO and an iPad as an option, here's a photo of the panel I did in my Glasair III racer. AFS 5500 on the left, iPad mini in an AirGizmo on the right. It fit well in the multi-tiered Glasair panel, and was great for the mission (VFR, racing and some X-C).


An argument for a dual EFIS panel I have discovered, both in the Glasair and the RV, is that, if a pilot is in the right seat on a flight with me, they'd much prefer to have flight and engine instruments on their side when flying. It's an occasional thing, but nice to have when you want it. The flexibility and redundancy of a 2-EFIS panel has already been mentioned. I'll go dual EFIS in my RV panel upgrade...but this was a nice panel to fly behind as well, FWIW.

The 5500 was a good size, especially when in the mode shown in my pic (PFD plus engine info at the bottom). Once you add the map, the extra size of the 5600 does give you more space for all that info.

Either way, you can't go wrong with Rob and his family/team at AFS...absolutely great to work with! Have fun with it!

I have a 5600 and a 3500. They work great together, no problem at all.

I used to have a 3500 and an engine monitor that looked just like a 3500 and both displayed all the data. You couldn't tell them apart. There were problems with the engine monitor. So it got binned.

If I was you I would go for at least one 10.4" screen if you can fit it in. I also extended the panel down to allow for switches. I have an IFD440 (wish it was a 540) and an audio panel. Room for an Ipad and a G5 backup.

Love it wouldn't want to swap. I also fly a Cirrus. The RV is better equiped as far as functionality goes.
I was just about to pull the trigger on dual 8.4? screens, and now I hear that most panels use the 10.4? screens. Hmm...

Thank you everyone for the input. I've pretty well decided to go with the AF-5600's, dual comms, and a remote audio panel.