So I worked up a panel for my RV-8 which includes a AFS 'deck' EF combined with a AF3400 EM... I think it will all fit... but that's not the point right now...


The question that I have is... are they ever going to be shipping it? Anyone know the status of the 'deck'?
I like the features of "the deck" (Advanced Deck 4500) however, I will first get the 3500 and then when 4500 has been out for a while and mature, I will upgrade the 3500 to 4500. According to Rob, the functionally and hardware of an upgraded 3500 will be identical to that of a 4500. The only difference will be the housing. You will be able to front mount the 4500 whereas the 3500 will always be rear mounted.

To me the lesser space requirement of the 3500 is more important to me than the front mounting.
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Take a look at your panel dimensions

I found that items would fit in my panel on the epanel builder, but would not on the real panel for my RV-8. The height of the panel in the program seemed to be a little longer than the real thing. You might want to make some paper cutouts of the items and check them on the real thing first.
Got mine fitted!

Finally got my 4500 trays from Stein and fitted them side-by-side in my XL offset panel from Affordable Panel. In order to get them to fit, had to move the avionics bay over @2" which puts it between the center and right panel supports on my -9A slider.

The left most 4500 is my EFIS and the right one will display engine and map. The EFIS is located slighty left of center of my eyesight which works out great.

Surprised to hear the 4500 is on ePanel builder. I went looking for it the other day and I only saw the 3400 & 3500.
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No worries

I like the features of "the deck" (Advanced Deck 4500) however, I will first get the 3500 and then when 4500 has been out for a while and mature, I will upgrade the 3500 to 4500.

This should not be a worry with Advanced Flight Systems. He flies the equipment and won't release something until he is 100% confident. I have the 4500/4500 on order for my new project.
No worries.
This should not be a worry .....
When it comes to computer hardware and (especially) software, a prudent one should always worry-especially when you life depends on it. Good intentions and confidence not withstanding, unforeseen issues always crop up with any new product. Since I have the option to wait and prefer the smaller size units, it's a no brain-er for me.
I found that items would fit in my panel on the epanel builder, but would not on the real panel for my RV-8. The height of the panel in the program seemed to be a little longer than the real thing. You might want to make some paper cutouts of the items and check them on the real thing first.

Definitely going to do that before ordering anything... I have heard the same thing.