
Active Member
I just started noticing after shutdown and the 30 second period my screen flashes another 15-20 seconds, sometimes turning back on. Any ideas what this could be? I have a call in to Advanced and haven’t heard back in several days yet. TIA. Ricky
That was happening to me after upgrading my hardware (& current at the time SW). Rob gave me new (beta) SW to try and it hasn't happened since. But I don't think that's the production SW yet.

A workaround Rob also suggested was to leave some other item that draws power on (light, fan, whatever) when you shut down the master / EFIS. Something about where the bus voltage level is at the moment it starts the countdown. Once the countdown has started you can shut down whatever else you left on.
PS: Rob's home and Advanced Flight Systems are currently in a level 2 evacuation zone for fires, with far-above unhealthy smoke levels in the area. I expect the company is closed until the emergency has passed.

EDIT: level one now
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