
Well Known Member
Yet another disclaimer...

"If there are 2 wires, then there are 1 too many"-Daddyman


In this job there were 12 probe installations, and 37 wires, thus 36 too many.

Previously I had "old school round dial-mechanically-driven, single cylinder monitor system.

I wanted to really , know what was going on in all 4 cylinders in real time.
Lots of choices were available, and I tried to both fit mission as well as my budget. I believe this would be an improvement, not just "keeping up with the Jonses" in a silly attempt to be more glass and less analog on my panel.

I elected to undertake this epic task during my annual WINTER UPGRADE time when flying time is limited, and time to prep for conditional inspection.

Such trepidation I had, yet each wire of the JPI-EDM-350 was clearly labeled and the installation manual was understandable- even by an idiot like myself.
Yes, I called JPI for tech help- Thanks to "Tim" for kindly taking my calls.
Yes, I also believe we are on a 1st name basis?

I fretted over every clipped wire, every hole drilled, every wire connection.
Thought I could use my existing probes, but I couldn't. The JPI instrument needs type K, and that was not compatible with what I had. This meant my costs were slightly higher than I expected, but still not bad (in terms of airplane monetary units (AMU's)- thanks Smokey for that acronym.

These pictures showed how it was done, step by step. I used a big piece of cardboard and drew out each wire. The CHT probes were a bit tricky to insert.
This is the new JIP in the panel:
New oil pressure sender:
Left CHT in:
Rt CHTs read for connections:
MP probe attached:
Wires connected with Buddy's help:

Final summary- this was doable, and I learned a few things along the way.
Thanks to my son Evan "Buddy" Clinthorne and "Tim" at JPI.

I would recommend this instrument for others considering a swap from the mid-1980s to 2019 panel input.

It works!

Still need to calibrate and test fly, but can't wait.