
Well Known Member
Ok so there's a great deal on the stratus esg from stark
There's also the uavionixs echo and skyfyx

My situation is I've got an old narco 150 that works fine and a 300xl gps also working fine. (Currently) I intend to upgrade to a GRT HXR and autopilot in the near future.

Do I need an IA to install the stratus esg for the rebate?

The echo/sky gives me in and out for $1399 but no rebate.
The stratus give me only out solution but upgrades my transponder, install is harder.

Not sure if the sky fyx is going to give me the waas position reporting needed by itself as my gps isn't waas.

Also if I went with the sky fyx I'd need to make a decision on the version with integrated antenna or separate antenna.

Hoping some of you who have been down this road, could help me out with this decision.

Or even add a third option....😳
Tech support responded and it Looks like the sky fyx is sufficient for position reporting without a compliant GPS for now. Still would like input from those who have installed and are using the products.

I have searched an read other threads, btw but wanted help more specific to my panel situation.
Ok so there's a great deal on the stratus esg from stark
There's also the uavionixs echo and skyfyx

My situation is I've got an old narco 150 that works fine and a 300xl gps also working fine. (Currently) I intend to upgrade to a GRT HXR and autopilot in the near future.

Do I need an IA to install the stratus esg for the rebate?

Assuming this is an EAB airplane, you may install all this stuff yourself and still get a rebate (if the equipment is eligible). However, all transponders must be tested when installed, and every two years thereafter, and that takes someone with the right ratings and equipment.
That 150 must be getting a bit long in the tooth, and with Natco out of business for some time now, it may not be repairable. Makes a new transponder look good; but otoh the used market is currently flooded with good relatively new GTX327's for $500 or less. There are lots of choices to think about... Here are 3, in price order. All 3 get you ADSB in/out, plus a new or near new transponder. Option 3 will need the HXr to run it.

1. Echo UAT plus new GRT gps position source, plus used Garmin 327: $2k installed, plus transponder certification cost.
2. Stratus system, plus $600 adsb-in box. $2.3K installed after rebate, plus transponder cert cost.
3. From GRT: remote TT22 plus GRT gps, plus $600 ADSB-in box: $2.8k installed after rebate, plus transponder cert cost. Lets you remote-mount the transponder if panel space is an issue.
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Bob Thanks for the reply it is very much appreciated.
Yes it's a vans rv6

I was learning toward option 1 figuring I could install the 327 later when I found a time the airplane needed to be down for something else and it would get me up and flying now with minimal down time.

It's so close in price the monetary difference doesn't really seem to be much of a deciding factor really.

Stratus / apero doesn't even have a customer support phone number on their web site which I find annoying. GRT and uavionixs respond immediately to any questions which is nice.

Of course stratus /appero will likely be around along time for what support they do provide.

Tough decision.

Though I don't know that either one is necessarily a bad decision.
There is another option that you might consider that is relatively new to the ADS-B market. The Sandia STX-360. It is a mode C Transponder and 978 MHz UAT ADS-B in and out all in the same unit. The XPNDR and ADS-B share the same antenna so you won't need to install a separate ADS-B antenna. It also has wireless output that can display traffic and weather on Ipad


GRT references Sandia as one of the ADS-B products they support. When I talked with the Sandia rep at the CopperState flyin last year he told me they were working with GRT to interface with the remote mounted version of the STX-360.

Stratus / apero doesn't even have a customer support phone number on their web site which I find annoying. GRT and uavionixs respond immediately to any questions which is nice.

Of course stratus /appero will likely be around along time for what support they do provide.

I had reason to contact Appareo (Stratus) for a support question and they responded to my email with a return phone call within an hour.
Buy a Stratus ESG with 2i from RS Engineering. I installed this in our RV6.

Assuming this is an EAB airplane, you may install all this stuff yourself and still get a rebate (if the equipment is eligible). However, all transponders must be tested when installed, and every two years thereafter, and that takes someone with the right ratings and equipment.
That 150 must be getting a bit long in the tooth, and with Natco out of business for some time now, it may not be repairable. Makes a new transponder look good; but otoh the used market is currently flooded with good relatively new GTX327's for $500 or less. There are lots of choices to think about... Here are 3, in price order. All 3 get you ADSB in/out, plus a new or near new transponder. Option 3 will need the HXr to run it.

1. Echo UAT plus new GRT gps position source, plus used Garmin 327: $2k installed, plus transponder certification cost.
2. Stratus system, plus $600 adsb-in box. $2.3K installed after rebate, plus transponder cert cost.
3. From GRT: remote TT22 plus GRT gps, plus $600 ADSB-in box: $2.8k installed after rebate, plus transponder cert cost. Lets you remote-mount the transponder if panel space is an issue.

You won't be disappointed with the Appareo Stratus ESG with 2i. Works perfect with Foreflight into my iPad Mini.
You won't be disappointed with the Appareo Stratus ESG with 2i. Works perfect with Foreflight into my iPad Mini.

Actually, IMHO, you might be a bit disappointed. The OP said he is also thinking of an upgrade to a GRT HXr. Once you compare traffic displayed right in front of you, along with audio alerts, to traffic displayed on your lap (or off to the side), with no audio alerts, there is a real difference. Weather, otoh, isn't so time-critical;an iPad seems fine for that. Just my preferences.
I went stratus esg but with a home built stratux raspberry pi receiver which will interface with both the iPad (wifi) and the GRT via serial
There is another option that you might consider that is relatively new to the ADS-B market. The Sandia STX-360. It is a mode C Transponder and 978 MHz UAT ADS-B in and out all in the same unit. The XPNDR and ADS-B share the same antenna so you won't need to install a separate ADS-B antenna. It also has wireless output that can display traffic and weather on Ipad


GRT references Sandia as one of the ADS-B products they support. When I talked with the Sandia rep at the CopperState flyin last year he told me they were working with GRT to interface with the remote mounted version of the STX-360.


What's the cost of the stx-360?

Also does the stratus not interface the same with the GRT and dislay weather airspace and traffic with audio?

My buddy has a stratus raspberry pi and is pretty happy with it but not sure there's enough savings over the stratus bundle.
Looks like the Sandia still needs a waas position source which my 300xl is non waas so I'd need some sort of additional gps add on tail.