
Well Known Member
Don't know if this has been discussed anywhere, so let me know if there is a thread. I installed the Uavionic's Echo to replace my Navworx Exp and have been able to get lat/long and altitude on my Ipad and can see traffic. However, I have been unable to have a report generated to the FAA. Using the Garmin 430W ADSB+ for position source. Have upgraded software and pretty sure the 430 is correctly set. Have a call in to Uavionics, but thought I would see if anyone else was having difficulty.
Maybe solved

I think I may have found an answer to my issue. Have been flying in uncontrolled airspace at low altitude and the transponder may not be interrogated. Tell me if I am wrong.
I think I may have found an answer to my issue. Have been flying in uncontrolled airspace at low altitude and the transponder may not be interrogated. Tell me if I am wrong.

You are most likely correct.

For the now-gone "ADSB Rebate Flight Test" you needed to be in "Rule Airspace" which is basically Class B, Class C and over 10,000 ft MSL

Climb to 10,000 ft and redo the check. :)
As a comparison, my report came back all good when flying near and over class C space (KSAV) in the 4500 to 5500 altitude range. Dynon GPS-2020 and their 261 (Trig) transponder. No special maneuvers.

On a flight from San Antonio to PA around Memphis, ATC was picking me up at < 3000' (had to stay under the cloud layer for landing at KNQA). ATC asked if I had ADSB out, to which I replied yes. They were surprised that I was still showing on their screen, I guess.
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Adsb report

Did a flight today from East Florida to West. On flight following, ATC reported that I was showing 3 transponders. On my IPAD I was seeing my tail number at 6k above me. ATC asked that I turn off my ADSB and I reported ?unable?. I did an ADSB report on my return home and All was Reported Ok. I am using an Echo and Skyfix as a replacement for the 600 exp. I?m using it in the sniffer mode with a 327 transponder. Any thoughts? Oh yes. Seem to be first discovered mid way east/west Fla. On the way home back east, no issues.
Don't know if this has been discussed anywhere, so let me know if there is a thread. I installed the Uavionic's Echo to replace my Navworx Exp and have been able to get lat/long and altitude on my Ipad and can see traffic. However, I have been unable to have a report generated to the FAA. Using the Garmin 430W ADSB+ for position source. Have upgraded software and pretty sure the 430 is correctly set. Have a call in to Uavionics, but thought I would see if anyone else was having difficulty.

If you stay inside Denver's mode c veil, it will work. I did my flight for the rebate inside Orlando's mode c veil and got it the first time.
I flew for first time the EchoUAT replacement units for the Navworx EXP. I did previously have my Navworx in service for 2 yrs and it worked flawlessly and got a perfect performance score when initially installed.

Worked through the Echo configuration process and think I have it correct.

I made the first test flight today in the Portland, OR area. Max altitude I could reach was 3500 ft due to weather, flight lasted 58 min. On the ground, ForeFlight was displaying traffic with no UAT tower reception. Airborne, it took about 15 min and above 2500 ft before receiving any ADSB towers, which varied from 1-3, sometimes none. Traffic and ADSB Status was being correctly displayed on my GRT Sport EFIS. During the flight I dropped down for two touch N Go?s then climbed back up 2000 ft. At 30 min into the flight I stared having Same Ship ghost returns, with my N# being displayed. Local ATC said my transponder signal was cutting in and out and something about a Mode 3A error. I rebooted both the Echo unit first and ghosting returned, then the GTX 327, afterward which ATC said everything returned normal, AND the ghosting stopped for the remainder of the flight.

I don?t know if the EchoUAT did something to the GTX327 (it?s serial data line is hard wired to EchoUAT) to make it become erratic or just the 327 went on the blink until rebooting it.

My performance report failed.... (Mode 3A / Flight Id / BaroAlt) probably because I down powered the transponder to reboot it. Everything else in the report is clean. Currently frustrated given the Navworx work fine.....
Can't get Echo UAT to work in the flight

I installed an ECHO UAT and the SkyFyx GPS to replace my functioning NavWorx box. According to the uAvionix Customer assistance Rep, my configuration is all good with my GTX 327 wired into the UAT.

The problem that I am trying to work through is that the GPS position displays on the ECHO Configuration/Monitor App while I'm on the ground. As soon as I lift off, GPS position signal goes blank. Yesterday, I videoed this behavior repeatedly and hopefully the people at uAvionix will be able to figure out this behavior.

Most of the time in the air, I see traffic intermittently like I have an ADS-B receiver only and somebody else is triggering the system. Can't see traffic right next to me on the displays. Occasionally, I'll see ghosting of my position displayed.

My next attempt, I will try changing the ECHO UAT configuration setting to ignore my GTX-327 input and switch to using the UAT's own sniffer for transponder info.
My performance report failed.... (Mode 3A / Flight Id / BaroAlt) probably because I down powered the transponder to reboot it. Everything else in the report is clean. Currently frustrated given the Navworx work fine.....

Please give me a call and we'll get you sorted out on this. Those failures are typically due to low altitudes below reasonable Radar and ADS-B Coverage and/or flying on the fringe of "Rule Airspace coverage". Or it could be that either CSID Logic or Anonymous Mode was set incorrectly if they show 100% fail.

If you land to adjust setting and the transponder or ADS-B is still on, it's reporting and typically on-ground transmission will generate increased errors unless you have Radar and ADS-B on field. Yours sounds like a simple resolution that might just be a planned flight inside or very near rule airspace.

In your GRT, can you make sure you have the N-Number / ICAO entered into the Transponder Settings, they use that to filter ownship ghosting. AFS, does this as well for any wondering. Also, we've seen some ghosting reports on FlyQ, make sure you have your N-Number entered on the settings page for "Ignore Tail Number".

Feel free to ask for Shane, 844-827-2372, ext 205. Sorry for your frustrations and I can assure you, we'll get you a passed report to move on from. I look forward to speaking with you.
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